RPC VI, 7364 (temporary)


Image of specimen #3


Coin type
Volume VI
Number 7364 (temporary)
Province Cilicia
Region Cilicia
Subregion Cilicia Pedias
City Anazarbus
Reign Severus Alexander
Person (obv.) Severus Alexander (Augustus)
Issue ƐΤ ΘΜС = 249
Dating 230/1
Obverse inscription ΑΥΤ ΚΑ Μ Α(ΥΡ) ϹΕΟΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ (Ϲ)
Edition Αὐτ(οκράτωρ) Κα(ῖσαρ) Μ(ᾶρκος) Αὐρ(ήλιος) Σεου(ῆρος) Ἀλέξανδρος Σ(εβαστός)
Translation Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Augustus
Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription ΑΝΑΖΑΡΒΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟ Γ Β ΕΤ ΘΜϹ
Edition Ἀναζάρβου μητρο(πόλεως) γʹ βʹ ἔτ(ους) θμσʹ
Translation of Anazarbus, metropolis, (of the) 3 (eparchies), twice (neocorate), of year 249
Reverse design biga of elephants advancing, right, pulling a car with a model temple
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 33 mm
Average weight 20.32 g
Axis 1, 12
Reference Ziegler 635
Specimens 4 (1 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1923,0601.1 Ziegler 635.1 = Ziegler, Städte Taf 12, 107
2 2     Ziegler 635.2
3 3     ✸ Leu EA 16, 22 May 2021, lot 2903
4 4     Zeus 24, 24 Apr. 2022, lot 350