RPC VI, 6688 (temporary)


Image of specimen #2


Coin type
Volume VI
Number 6688 (temporary)
Province Cappadocia
Region Cappadocia
City Caesarea
Reign Elagabalus
Person (obv.) Elagabalus (Augustus)
Issue ƐΤ Β = 2
Dating 218/19
Obverse inscription [ ] Κ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙ
Edition [---] Κ(αῖσαρ) Μ(ᾶρκος) Αὐρή(λιος) Ἀντωνεῖ(νος)
Translation [---] Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Obverse design laureate and draped bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΑΙϹΑ, ΕΤ Β
Edition Μητρο(πόλεως) Καισα(ρείας) ἔτ(ους) β
Translation of metropolis Caesarea, of year 2
Reverse design Apollo seated left on rocks, radiate, holding branch in his right hand and resting arm on globe
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 18 mm
Average weight 3.92 g
Axis 6, 12
Reference Ganschow 693
Specimens 4 (2 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     P: M4895
2 2     ✸ B: 18224130 1353/1931 Wiegand
3 3     Henseler 1047B, ex Biga Auction 1, 2020, lot 423
4 4     S. Oberc coll., ex Numismad Auction 20, lot 1137