RPC IV.1, 5086 (temporary)


Image of specimen #6


Coin type
Volume IV.1
Number 5086 (temporary)
Province Achaea
Region Corinthia
City Corinth
Reign Antoninus Pius
Person (obv.) Antoninus Pius (Augustus)
Obverse inscription ANTONINVS AVG PIVS
Edition Antoninus Aug(ustus) Pius
Translation Antoninus Augustus Pius
Obverse design laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right
Reverse inscription C L I COR
Edition c(olonia) L(aus) I(ulia) Cor(inthiensium)
Translation colony of Laus Iulia of the Corinthians
Reverse design Concordia/Homonoia (or Fortuna/Tyche?) standing, left, holding patera (over altar) and cornucopia
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 21 mm
Average weight 6.24 g
Axis 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12
Reference BCD Corinth 678–9, Cop 312 corr.
Specimens 14 (10 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1920-8-5-993, on reverse, Homonoia with kalathos
2 2     L: 1920-8-5-994, on reverse, Homonoia turreted and with altar
3 3     Cop: 312, on reverse, Homonoia with kalathos
4 4     P: 861, on reverse, Homonoia turreted and with altar
5 5     P: Duplicates, on reverse, Homonoia turreted and with altar
6 6     ✸ Mu: 125e (acc. 21221), on reverse, Homonoia turreted and with altar
7 7     B: Fox, on reverse, Homonoia with kalathos and altar
8 8     V: GR 13652, on reverse, Homonoia with kalathos
9 9     V: GR 28519, on reverse, Homonoia turreted and with altar
11 11     BCD Corinth 679, on reverse, Homonoia with kalathos = Lanz 105, 26 Nov. 2001, lot 679
12 12     Edwards 31, no. 145
13 13     O
14 14     Auctiones GmbH e 31, 23 Nov. 2014, lot 61
15 15     Naville Numismatics 15, 7 June 2015, lot 217 (ex Lanz 105, BCD coll., 26 Nov. 2001, lot 678)