RPC III, 955


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume III
Number 955
Province Northern Black Sea
Region Bosporus
City Chersonesus
Reign Trajan
Issue Year 131
Dating AD 106/7
Obverse inscription
Obverse design bust of Chersonas, left; in left field, serpent
Reverse inscription ΕΤΟΥϹ ΡΛΑ
Edition ἔτους ρλαʹ
Translation of year 131
Reverse design maiden standing, left with bow and spear; in left field, monogram
Metal gold
Average diameter 20 mm
Average weight 7.76 g
Reference Anokhin 248
Specimens 1 (1 in the core collections)
Addition Additional coin-type (post publication)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ L: 1939,0515.2 Anokhin Pl. XVI, 248