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This coin was found in 1996 in tomb 30 of the Akdağ necropolis (located between Stratonicea/Eskihisar and Lagina/Turgut). The necropolis was recently studied by Dr. Rahsan Tamsü-Polar, Stratonikeia Akdağ Nekropolü: Somut ve Soyut Kültür üzerine Bir Araştırma (unpublished thesis). We warmly thank Dr. Rahsan Tamsü-Polar for allowing us to publish this coin. The coin is given to Nerva (?), but the portrait might well represent a young Trajan. On the representation of Roma in Asia Minor under the Empire, see F. Delrieux, ‘Roma dans le panthéon monétaire carien sous les premiers Sévères: un nouveau témoignage sur les bronzes de Stratonicée’, RN 170 (2013), pp. 61-100