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The positioning of DS7605 on DS pl. 79, between two coins both with Demeter and Euthenia, suggests that Dattari may have thought it was a form of Demeter. The clearest specimen (NY) shows that the figure is female and it does look like a torch that she holds over her shoulder, also suggesting Demeter. A coin of year 5 shows a similar anguipede figure in a temple, and she seems to hold torches (and is so identified as Demeter on the ticket with the coin). A note by Matthijs suggests Isis Thermouthis, who is regularly shown with cobra legs (e.g. L. Burn, R. Higgins, D. Bailey, BMC Terracottas (London, 2003), nos. 3017-21), the identification also suggested by Geissen for K 1223. See also Trajan, year 16 4739.