RPC III, 4083


Image of specimen #5


Coin type
Volume III
Number 4083
Province Arabia
Region Arabia
City Bostra
Reign Hadrian
Person (obv.) Hadrian (Augustus)
Edition Αὐτοκράτ(ωρ) Καῖσαρ Τραϊανὸς Ἁδριανὸς Σεβαστός
Translation Emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus
Obverse design laureate head of Hadrian, right, with drapery on left shoulder
Reverse inscription ΑΡΑΒΙΑ
Edition Ἀραβία
Translation Arabia
Reverse design bust of Arabia, right, wearing turreted crown and mantle blown out by the wind; in each arm, she holds a small figure of seated child
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 19 mm
Average weight 6.46 g
Axis 6, 7
Reference Spijkerman 2, Kindler 16, BMC Arabia 3
Specimens 21 (10 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMC 3
2 2     L BMC 4
3 3     L BMC 5
4 4     L BMC 6
5 5     ✸ P: 1965/800
6 6     P: Chandon 1778
7 7     B: 18257102, o.N.
8 8     B: 18257106, Fox
9 9     B: Löbb.
10 10     NY: 1944.100.69241 SNG 1168
11 11     CNG EA320 (2014) lot 325
12 12     CNG EA 250 (2011) lot 287
13 13     CNG EA 229 (2010) lot 354
14 14     CNG EA 184 (2008) lot 133
15 15     CNG 85 (2010) lot 699
16 16     CNG 66 (2004) lot 1257
17 17     SBF Spijkerman 2
18 18     SBF Spijkerman 2
19 19     Pudill coll.
20 20     Sofaer 3
21 21     CGT coll ex VCoins Gert Boersema