RPC III, 4026


Image of specimen #11


Coin type
Volume III
Number 4026
Province Judaea
Region Judaea
City Gaza
Reign Hadrian
Person (obv.) Hadrian (Augustus)
Issue Year 3 = 192
Dating AD 131/2
Obverse inscription Α ΚΑ ΤΡ ΑΔΡΙΑΝ ϹΕ
Edition Α(ὐτοκράτωρ) Κα(ῖσαρ) Τραϊ(ανός) Ἁδριανός Σε(βαστός)
Translation Emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus
Obverse design laureate head of Hadrian, right
Reverse inscription ΓΑΖΑ Γ ΕΠΙ ΒϘΡ
Edition Γάζα γʹ ἐπι(δημία) βϙρʹ
Translation Gaza, (year) 3 visit, (year) 192
Reverse design Heracles standing right, with club and lion skin; to left, 𐤌
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 18 mm
Average weight 5.91 g
Axis 12
Reference De Saulcy 4, BMC 46
Specimens 18 (8 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMC 46
2 2     L BMC 47
3 3     L BMC 48
4 4     P: 158
5 5     P: 159
6 6     B: Löbb.
7 7     B: Fox,
8 8     Cop SNG 51
9 9     IMJ: 2010.065.29220
10 10     IMJ: 78.02423
11 11     ✸ Sofaer 72
12 12     Rosenberger II 53 (drawing)
13 13     Yashin 309
14 14     Pudill coll.
15 15     CNA XX, 25 Mar. 1992, lot 474
16 16     Sternberg XV, 11–12 Apr. 1985, lot 400
17 17     V Auctions 262 (2011) lot 75
18 18     CGT coll.