RPC III, 3045


Image of specimen #10


Coin type
Volume III
Number 3045
Province Galatia-Cappadocia
Region Cappadocia
City Caesarea
Reign Trajan
Person (obv.) Trajan (Augustus)
Issue Trajan optimus, not yet Parthicus
Dating AD 114–16
Edition Αὐτοκρ(άτορι) Καίσ(αρι) Νερ(ούᾳ) Τραϊανῷ Ἀριστῷ Σεβ(αστῷ) Γερμ(ανικῷ) Δακ(ικῷ)
Translation to Emperor Caesar Nerva Trajan, the best, Augustus Germanicus Dacicus
Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Trajan, right, seen from front
Reverse inscription ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟ Ϛ
Edition Δημαρχ(ικῆς) ἐξ(ουσίας) ὕπατ(ος) ϛ'
Translation tribune of the people, consul for the sixth time
Reverse design Apollo standing left, holding olive branch in right, bow and arrow in left
Metal silver
Average diameter 21 mm
Average weight 6.63 g
Axis 6, 7
Reference S 194, Metcalf Hoard 470–5 and Pl. 26, Metcalf Conspectus 75d, Ganschow 140c
Specimens 10 (6 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMC 68
2 2     Newcastle SNG 552
3 3     P: 369
4 4     B: I-B
5 5     NY: 1985.39.94 Metcalf Hoard 471
6 6     NY: 1985.39.95 Metcalf Hoard 472
7 7     NY: 1985.39.96 Metcalf Hoard 475
8 8     Henseler 233A (ex Zeus Numismatics 10, 2020, lot 515)
9 9     Rönesans Salzgitter 15, 5 Oct. 2024, lot 357
10 10     ✸ Solidus 139, 21 Jan. 2025, lot 250