RPC III, 2991


Image of specimen #3


Coin type
Volume III
Number 2991
Province Galatia-Cappadocia
Region Cappadocia
City Caesarea
Reign Trajan
Person (obv.) Trajan (Augustus)
Issue Trib. Pot. Cos II
Dating AD 98/9
Edition Αὐτ(οκράτωρ) Καῖσ(αρ) Νέρ(ουα) Τραϊανὸς Σεβ(αστὸς) Γερμ(ανικός)
Translation Emperor Caesar Nerva Trajan Augustus Germanicus
Obverse design laureate head of Trajan, right
Reverse inscription ΔΗΜ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤ Β
Edition δημ(αρχικῆς) ἐξ(ουσίας) ὕπατ(ος) βʹ
Translation holder of the tribunitian power, consul for the second time
Reverse design club, handle at top
Metal silver
Average diameter 21 mm
Average weight 6.48 g
Axis 6, 7
Reference S 162a, 171a, Metcalf Conspectus 57, Ganschow 122
Specimens 10 (7 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1979,0101.1117 SNG vA 6385
2 2     Amsterdam: S 2806
3 3     ✸ NY: 1983.159.2 Metcalf Hoard 194
4 4     NY: 1983.159.4 Metcalf Hoard 193 and Pl. 11
5 5     NY: 1985.39.59 Metcalf Hoard 198
6 6     NY: 1985.39.60 Metcalf Hoard 196
7 7     NY: 1985.39.61 Metcalf Hoard 195
8 8     NY: 1985.39.62 Metcalf Hoard 197 and Pl. 11
9 9     Freiburg: 12144
10 10     Boston: 64.1438