RPC II, 246


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume II
Number 246
Province Achaea
Region Peloponnesus
City Patras
Reign Domitian
Person (obv.) Domitian (Augustus)
Dating AD 85/6
Obverse inscription IMP CAES DOM AVG G-ERM P M TR P V C P
Edition Imp(erator) Caes(ar) Dom(itianus) Aug(ustus) Germ(anicus) P(ontifex) M(aximus) Tr(ibunicia) P(otestate) V C(ensor) P(erpetuus)
Translation Emperor Caesar Domitian Augustus Germanicus, chief priest, with tribunician power for the fifth time, perpetual censor
Obverse design laureate head of Domitian, right
Reverse inscription NEPT AVG COL PATR
Edition Nept(unus) Aug(ustus) col(oniae) Patr(ensis)
Translation Augustan Neptune, of the colony Patras
Reverse design Neptune holding trident standing, right, right foot on rock, seen from back
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 23 mm
Average weight 8.65 g
Specimens 2 (2 in the core collections)
Die-links 1–2: same obv. die.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ B: Löbb.
2 2     O