RPC II, 1776


Image of specimen #2


Coin type
Volume II
Number 1776
Province Cilicia
Region Cilicia
Subregion Cilicia Pedias
City Aegeae
Reign Domitian
Magistrate Metrodoros
Issue Year 135 (ΕΛΡ)
Dating AD 88/9
Obverse inscription
Obverse design head of Helios, right; in right field, branch
Reverse inscription ΑΙΓΕΑΙΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΛΩΡΟΥ, ΕΛΡ (in l. field)
Edition Αἰγεαίων Μητρολώρου ελρʹ
Translation of the Aegeaeans, Metroloros, 135
Reverse design bust of Artemis, left, crescent above
Metal leaded bronze
Average diameter 23 mm
Average weight 7.98 g
Axis 12
Reference SNG France 2323, Haymann 24a
Specimens 5 (2 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1972,0705.2
2 2     ✸ P: 1970/88 SNG 2323
3 3     Levante 1703
4 4     CNG EA 291, 21 Nov. 2012, lot 214
5 5     Zeus Web Auction 20, 12 DEc. 2021, lot 421