RPC II, 1625


Image of specimen #12


Coin type
Volume II
Number 1625
Province Galatia-Cappadocia
Region Galatia
City Tavium
Reign Vespasian
Person (obv.) Titus (Caesar)
Edition Αὐτοκρά(τωρ) Τίτος Καῖσαρ Σεβασ(τοῦ) Υἱός
Translation Emperor Titus Caesar son of the Augustus
Obverse design laureate head of Titus, right
Reverse inscription ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΝΩΝ ΤΡΟΚΜΩΝ
Edition Σεβαστηνῶν Τροκμῶν
Translation of the Augustan Trocmi
Reverse design bull standing, left
Metal brass
Average diameter 25 mm
Average weight 10.23 g
Axis 5, 6, 7
Reference BMC 7, SNG France 2649–50
Specimens 15 (9 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMC 7
2 2     O
3 3     P: 278 Wa 6693 = SNG 2649
4 4     P: 279 Wa 6694 = SNG 2650
5 5     Mu
6 6     V: GR 20028
7 7     V: GR 37753
8 8     B: 592/1874, Löbb.
9 9     B: Löbb 844/1901
10 10     Bern SNG Righetti 1753
11 11     Empire Coins 6, 1986, lot 192
12 12     ✸ Leu EA 7, 23 Feb. 2019, lot 881
13 13     A. Tricarico coll. (ex Naumann 82, 6 Oct. 2019, lot 331)
14 14     Nomos Obolos WA 15, 24 May 2020, lot 673
15 15     Naumann 108, 3 Oct. 2021, lot 474