RPC II, 1606


Image of specimen #10


Coin type
Volume II
Number 1606
Province Galatia-Cappadocia
Region Lycaonia
City Lystra
Reign Titus
Person (obv.) Titus (Augustus)
Obverse inscription IMP T CAE AVG VESPA
Edition Imp(erator) T(itus) Cae(sar) Aug(ustus) Vespa(sianus)
Translation Emperor Titus Caesar Augustus Vespasian
Obverse design laureate head of Titus, left
Reverse inscription COL I(V)L LVS
Edition Col(onia) Iul(ia) Lus(tra)
Translation the Julian colony Lystra
Reverse design helmeted bust of Athena, left, two spears over shoulder
Metal bronze
Average diameter 20 mm
Average weight 5.33 g
Axis 3, 5, 6
Reference vA Lys p. 516
Specimens 14 (2 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1971,0702.10
2 2     P: 74 Wa 4791 = SNG 2325
3 3     CNG MBS 54, 14 June 2000, lot 1124 = CNG XXIII, 1992, lot 423 = CNG X, 1990, lot 365; Schulten, May 1986, lot 273
4 4     M. Nedim Mamakli collection (M.T. Göktürk, ‘Lykaonia sikkeleri’, Anadolu Nedeniyetleri Müzesi 1997 (1998), p. 67 no. 42 (attributed to Iconium)
5 5     Helios Numismatik 7, 12 Dec. 2011, lot 609
6 6     CNG EA 271, 11 Jan. 2012, lot 339
7 7     Rauch 14th live e-Auction, 14 Dec. 2013, lot 192 (ex Rauch, 13th live e-Auction, 28–29 June 2013, lot 352)
8 8     Gorny & Mosch 165, 17 Mar. 2008, lot 1559 = Numismatik Naumann 56, 6 Aug. 2017, lot 415
9 9     CGT coll. 
10 10     ✸ A. Tricarico coll. (Nomos obolos 12, 31 Mar. 2019, lot 571)
11 11     Naumann 92, 2 Aug. 2020, lot 589
12 12     Naumann 86, 20 Feb. 2020, lot 397
13 13     Naumann 80, 4 Aug. 2019, lot 447
14 14     Brisbane: 1452