RPC I, 640


Image of specimen #16


Coin type
Volume I
Number 640
Province Sicily
Region Sicily
City Panormus
Reign Augustus
Person (obv.) Augustus
Obverse inscription ΠΑΝΟΡΜΙΤΑΝ
Edition Πανορμιτάν
Translation of Panormus
Obverse design bare head of Augustus, left
Reverse inscription
Reverse design eagle, facing, holding animal (?) in claws
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 23 mm
Average weight 9.16 g
Axis 2, 12
Reference Gabrici 322–4
Specimens 18 (7 in the core collections)
Note See Martini, Sicilia nos. 220-39.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     C McClean 2522
2 2     P: 997
3 3     B: I-B
4 4     B: I-B
5 5     B: I-B
6 6     Mu SNG 820
7 7     Palermo = Gabrici 322
8 8     Palermo = Gabrici 323
9 9     Palermo = Gabrici 324
10 10     Calciati 19/2
11 11     Mini 25
12 12     N: 4758
13 13     Winterthur GrMW 824 ('Lamm oder Zicklein')
14 14     Winterthur GrMW 825 ('Lamm oder Zicklein')
15 15     Gorny & Mosch 241, 10 Oct. 2016, lot 1722
16 16     ✸ Bertolami Fine Arts EA 64, 13–14 Jan. 2019, lot 657
17 17     NY: 2008.29.6
18 18     CGT coll. = Naville Auction 20, 7 Feb. 2016, lot 125