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See now V. Geneviève, ‘Le monnayage colonial d’Octave à la proue et « à la tête de bélier’ (Arausio ? RPC 533). Une nouvelle proposition d’attribution : Tolosa ?’, in M. Paz García-Bellido, A. Mostalac and A. Jiménez (eds), Del Imperium de Pompeyo a la Auctoritas de Augusto. Homenaje a Michael Grant, Anejos de AEspA XL- VII (2008), pp. 191-208. With an updated inventory of finds, from archaeological excavations and private collections, Geneviève challenges the attribution of this coinage to Arausio and its area, and offers, with quite good arguments, a new hypothesis for their minting place: the city of Tolosa (Toulouse).