RPC I, 515


Image of specimen #59


Coin type
Volume I
Number 515
Province Gallia Lugdunensis
Region Gaul
City Lugdunum
Reign Roman Republic
Person (obv.) Octavian (imperator) ; Julius Caesar (Divus)
Dating 36 BC?
Obverse inscription IMP CAESAR DIVI F DIVI IVLI
Edition Imp(erator) Caesar Divi f(ilius) Divi Iuli
Translation Emperor Caesar, son of the divine; to the divine Julius
Obverse design laureate head of Caesar, left, and bare head of Octavian, right; palm brand between heads
Reverse inscription COPIA
Edition Copia
Translation Copia
Reverse design prow, with an eye and a dolphin; above, meta and a star superimposed on a globe
Metal leaded bronze
Average diameter 31 mm
Average weight 18.08 g
Axis 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12
Reference FITA 207, Giard 7
Specimens 64 (15 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     Saint-Germain-en-Laye: MAN 2400
2 2 –27     Giard 73–4, no. 7
28 28     B: 18215303, Kassel
29 29     Sternberg XV/1985, 314
30 30     B: 18215296, 28642
31 31     Marseille
32 32     Marseille
33 33     Kampmann coll. Nicolas, 9–10/3/1982, 39
34 34     Roanne
35 35     L: G 037
36 36     Saint-Germain-en-Laye: MAN 2280
37 37     Bourgey, 16–17/5/1973, 249
38 38     B: 18215295, 6820
39 39     NY: 1944.100.78381
40 40     RW
41 41     Cop SNG 689
42 42     B: 18215298, Gansauge
43 43     B: 18215302, Löbb
44 44     Spink, Geneva, 15–16/2/1977, 227
45 45     formerly coll. Savès = Acta Numismatica VI, 1976, 115–6, no. 111
46 46     formerly coll. Savès = Acta Numismatica VI, 1976, 115–6, no. 112
47 47     formerly coll. Savès = Acta Numismatica VI, 1976, 127, no. 48
48 48     V: 421
49 49     P. Villemur coll. = CNG MBS 78, 14 May 2008, lot 1141
50 50     NY: 1944.100.78384
51 51     B: 18215297
52 52     B: 18215304, Friedlaender
53 53     Burgan 6 Dec. 1986, 426
54 54     Coll. Lifchuz
55 55     Cop SNG 690
56 56     O
57 57     C FITA, pl. VII, 23: rev.
58 58     RW
59 59     ✸ NAC 92 Part 1, 23 May 2016, lot 448
60 60     V. Gadoury Coin Auction 2020, 30 Oct. 2020, lot 158
61 61     Numismatik Naumann 115, 3 Apr. 2022, lot 644
62 62     Roma Numismatics E-Live 6, 25 Mar. 2023, lot 33 (ex Roma Numismatics Ltd., Auction IV, 30 Sep. 2012, lot 1991)
63 63     CNG EA 557, 6 Mar. 2024, lot 224 (ex Roma E-Sale 82, 15 Apr. 2021, lot 862)
64 64     cgb.fr Internet August 2024, 20 Aug. 2024, lot 930923