RPC I, 438


Image of specimen #34


Coin type
Volume I
Number 438
Province Tarraconensis
Region Hispania
City Calagurris
Reign Augustus
Person (obv.) Augustus
Magistrate Lucius Fabius (duovir) ; Quintus Antonius (duovir)
Obverse inscription MVN CAL IIVIR
Edition Mun(icipium) Cal(agurris) IIvir
Translation the municipality of Calagurris, duovir
Obverse design bare head of Augustus, right
Reverse inscription Q ANTONI L FABI
Edition Q(uintus) Antoni(us) L(ucius) Fabi(us)
Translation Quintus Antonius (and) Lucius Fabius
Reverse design bull, right
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 29 mm
Average weight 12.11 g
Axis 3
Reference Vives 158–2, Hill 36–2, Ruiz 7, NAH 906
Specimens 35 (6 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     Bologna: 198
2 2     Calicó 6/1979, 224
3 3     Cop SNG 574
4 4     P: 350
5 5     V: 58
6 6     Ba: 4800
7 7     Ba: 9497
8 8     Ba: 21537
9 9     Ba: 21539
10 10     Ba: 23571
11 11     Ba: 26621
12 12     Ba: 30888
13 13     Ba: 105831
14 14     Ba: 105832
15 15     Ba: 105834
16 16     L: 814 Hill 36–2
17 17     L: 815
18 18     Madrid: 8475
19 19     Madrid: 8476
20 20     Madrid: 8477
21 21     Madrid: 8478
22 22     Madrid: 8480
23 23     Madrid: 8483
24 24     Madrid: Sastre 10334
25 25     C: 555
26 26     Alacant CMTM, pl. 38–201
27 27     Cores coll.
28 28     Stockholm SNG1944
29 29     Stockholm SNG 1945
30 30     Stockholm SNG 1946
31 31     Stockholm SNG 1947
32 32     Madrid: 8482
33 33     Marti Hervera and Soler & Llach 1091, 5 May 2016, lot 3140
34 34     ✸ Jesus Vico S.A. 152, 15 Nov. 2018, lot 187
35 35     CGT coll.