RPC I, 3731


Image of specimen #34


Coin type
Volume I
Number 3731
Province Cilicia
Region Cilicia
Subregion Cilicia Trachea
City Olba
Reign Tiberius
Person (obv.) Tiberius (Augustus)
Magistrate Aiax (high priest and toparch) ; Diodoros
Issue Year 5
Dating AD 14/15–16/17
Edition Σεβαστὸς Σεβαστοῦ Καῖσαρ
Translation Augustus son of Augustus Caesar
Obverse design laureate head of Tiberius, right
Edition Κεννατῶν καὶ Λαλασσέων ἀρχιερέως Αἴαντος τοπάρχου ἐπὶ Διοδώ(ρου) ἔτ(ους) εʹ
Translation of the Cennatae and Lalasseis, of high priest (and) toparch Ajax, under Diodoros, of year 5
Reverse design thunderbolt
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 24 mm
Average weight 11.60 g
Axis 2, 8, 9
Reference Staffieri 18–23
Specimens 37 (28 in the core collections)
Note On one die (vA 5790) the rev. legend reads ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΩΣ ΑΙΑΝΤΟΣ ΤΕΥΚΡΟΥ ΤΕΥΚΡΟΥ ΤΟΠΑΡΧΟΥ: this is presumably just a die engraver's mistake (pace Staffieri, p. 32, n. 3).

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1961,0301.396
2 2     L BMC 12
3 3     L BMC 13
4 4     L BMC 14
5 5     L BMC 15
6 6     L BMC 16
7 7     L BMC 17
8 8     L: 1979,0101.2616 SNG vA 5790
9 9     L: 1961,0301.397
10 10     V: GR 27974
11 11     Mu
12 12     Mu
13 13     Mu
14 14     O
15 15     O
16 16     O
17 17     O
18 18     P: 857
19 19     P: 858
20 20     P: 859
21 21     P: 860
22 22     P: 861
23 23     P: de Ricci
24 24     P: de Ricci
25 25     P: de Ricci
26 26     P: de Ricci
27 27     Cop SNG 193
28 28     Cop SNG 194
29 29     Levante 637 = CNG MBS 64, 24 Sept. 2003, lot 672
30 30     Levante 638 = CNG EA 90, 26 May 2004, lot 247
31 31     Levante 639
32 32     Freiburg: 12095
33 33     Freiburg: 12096
34 34     ✸ Peus 410-411, 31 Oct. 2013, lot 727
35 35     Boston: 63.2956
36 36     VCoins Tom Vossen, May 2024, SKU: 28951
37 37     CGT coll. ex G. Rohde coll.