RPC I, 250


Image of specimen #27


Coin type
Volume I
Number 250
Province Tarraconensis
Region Hispania
City Emporiae
Reign Uncertain
Magistrate Gaius M— A— (quaestor) ; Gnaeus C— P— (quaestor)
Obverse inscription CN C P C M A Q
Edition Cn(aeus) C(—) P(—) C(aius) M(—) A(—) Q(uaestores)
Translation Gnaeus C(---) P(---), Gaius M(---) A(---), quaestors
Obverse design head of Athena, right
Reverse inscription EMPORIT
Edition Emporit(anum)
Translation the Emporitan (municipality)
Reverse design pegasus, right; above, wreath
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 28 mm
Average weight 10.22 g
Reference Vives 123–3, 4, Villaronga 95–6
Specimens 27 (2 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type