RPC I, 228


Image of specimen #7


Coin type
Volume I
Number 228
Province Tarraconensis
Region Hispania
City Tarraco
Reign Tiberius
Person (obv.) Tiberius (Augustus)
Person (rev.) Augustus (Divus)
Issue Tiberius and Divus Augustus
Dating after AD 15
Edition Ti(berius) Caesar Divi Aug(usti) F(ilius) Augustus
Translation Tiberius Caesar, son of the divine Augustus, Augustus
Obverse design laureate head of Tiberius, right
Reverse inscription DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER C (V) T T(AR)
Edition Divus Augustus Pater Colonia U(rbs) T(riumphalis) TAR(raco)
Translation Divine Augustus, the father, the triumphal colonial city of Tarraco
Reverse design radiate head of Augustus, right
Metal bronze
Average weight 8.78 g
Reference Vives 171–5, GMI 413, Villaronga 20a–b, NAH 1052
Specimens 98 (19 in the core collections)
Note Metal analysis on coin L 226: Cu 83.50; Pb 4.38; Sn 8.06; Ag 0.060; Fe 0.020; Sb 0.180; Ni 0.040; As 0.170; Bi 0.008. On coin L 228: Cu 79.37; Pb 10.91; Sn 9.43; Ag 0.090; Fe 0.210; Ni 0.760; As 0.210; Bi 0.004.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     Ba: 4626
2 2     Ba: 4627
3 3     Ba: 38386
4 4     Madrid: 12796
5 5     Madrid: Sastre 6962
6 6     N: 217
7 7     ✸ P: 190
8 8 –13     Villaronga 20a
14 14     C
15 15     B: a.B.
16 16     B: Löbb.
17 17     B: Dressel
18 18     Ba: 4624
19 19     Ba: 4625
20 20     Ba: 9804
21 21     Ba: 9805
22 22     Ba: 15092
23 23     Ba: 15093
24 24     Ba: 15094
25 25     Ba: 23910
26 26     Ba: 30387
27 27     Ba: 100940
28 28     Bologna: 314
29 29     Madrid: 12779
30 30     Madrid: 12784
31 31     Madrid: 12790
32 32     Madrid: 12793
33 33     Madrid: 12795
34 34     MSV 17/12/1981, 1243
35 35     Mu: 179
36 36     N: 218
37 37     O
38 38     P: 187
39 39     P: 188
40 40     Rome: 218
41 41     Rome: 219
42 42     V: 227
43 43     V: 228
44 44 –59     Villaronga 20b
60 60     G: 3
61 61     IVDJ VIves 171–5
62 62     B: Löbb.
63 63     B: Bohl
64 64     Bologna: 315
65 65     Cop SNG 526
66 66     Madrid: 12781
67 67     Madrid: 12783
68 68     Madrid: 12791
69 69     Mu: 178
70 70     Rome: 217
71 71 –94     Villaronga 20 a or b (indeterminate)
95 95     C: 705
96 96     C
97 97     C
98 98     Vico 9 Oct. 2012, lot 614 = HSA30200