RPC I, 21


Image of specimen #23


Coin type
Volume I
Number 21
Province Lusitania
Region Hispania
City Emerita
Reign Tiberius
Person (obv.) Augustus (Divus)
Obverse inscription DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER
Edition Divus Augustus Pater
Translation Divine Augustus, father
Obverse design radiate head of Augustus, right; star above, thunderbolt in front
Reverse inscription AVGVSTA EMERITA
Edition Augusta Emerita
Translation Emerita Augusta
Reverse design camp gateway
Metal bronze
Average diameter 34 mm
Average weight 22.48 g
Reference Vives 145–1, Gil 78–80
Specimens 23 (8 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     Calicó 6/1979, 584
2 2     Cop SNG 404
3 3     L: 2128
4 4     L: 2129
5 5     O
6 6     N: 253
7 7     P: 1531
8 8     P: 1532
9 9     B: Bohl
10 10     B: Kassel
11 11     Madrid: 11025
12 12     Madrid: 11026
13 13     Madrid: 11027
14 14     Madrid: 11028
15 15     Madrid: Sastre 3826
16 16     Vico 11 Nov. 1993, lot 77
17 17     Vico 10 Nov. 2011, lot 3077
18 18     Vico 9 Oct. 2012, lot 555 = ex HSA 23827
19 19     Martí Hervera & Sol- er y Llach 7 May 2013, lot 2239
20 20     Áureo & Calicó 23–24 Oct. 2013, lot 206
21 21     Herrero 11/12/2014, lot 73
22 22     Herrero 11/12/2014, lot 74
23 23     ✸ Hirsch 326, 16 Feb. 2017, lot 1894