RPC I, 1928



Coin type
Volume I
Number 1928
Province Northern Black Sea
Region Bosporus
City Kingdom of the Bosporus
Reign Cotys I
Person (obv.) Gepaepyris (queen)
Person (rev.) Kotys I (king)
Issue Late Claudian/early Neronian
Obverse inscription ΒΑΗΡ
Edition ΒΑΗΡ
Translation ΒΑΗΡ
Obverse design female head (of Gepaepyris), right
Reverse inscription ΒΑΚ Δ
Edition βα(σιλεύς) Κ(ότυς) δʹ
Translation King Kotys, 4
Reverse design veiled head wearing kalathos, right
Metal copper-based alloy
Average weight 5.48 g
Specimens 2 (1 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     see N. A. Frolova, Sovietskaya Arkheologiya 3 (1976), pl. I.5
2 2     P