RPC I, 1858



Coin type
Volume I
Number 1858
Province Northern Black Sea
Region Bosporus
City Kingdom of the Bosporus
Reign Asandros
Person (obv.) Asander (king)
Obverse inscription
Obverse design diademed head of Asander, right
Reverse inscription ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΣΑΝΔΡΟΥ, ΒΚ (in field)
Edition βασιλέως Ἀσάνδρου βκʹ
Translation of King Asandros, 22
Reverse design Nike standing, left, on prow, with wreath and palm
Metal gold
Average diameter 17 mm
Axis 12
Reference BMC 2, A. Bertier-Delagarde, Numis­maticeskij Sbornik II (1913), p. 105, 33
Specimens 1 (0 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     Ars Classica XVI 1328