Search results: 34 entries found.

Vol. Province Region City Issue Dating Magistrates Denomination Person(s) Obv. inscription Obv. design Rev. inscription Rev. design Reference Note Internal note Coin Number Museum Inventory Number Bibliography Weight Diameter Axis Quantity Obv. die Rev. die Obv. cmks Rev. cmks Note Obv. img Rev. img Plate Uri link
I 1461 Achaea Uncertain Uncertain mint of Achaea Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', light series Lucius Sempronius Atratinus Leaded bronze (19 mm) Mark Antony ; Octavia M ANT IMP TER COS DES ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C jugate heads of Antony and Octavia, right L ATRATINVS AVGVR COS DESIG, Β (below) one ship under sail to right, head of Medusa (?) RSN 1986, 84, C axis: var 7 Parma 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 5409 Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Coinage with Q Bronze (26 mm) Augustus bare head, right Q fiscus, sella quaestoria and hasta AMNG 226–7; FITA 13–19 On the identity of obv., see RPC I, p. 715. It has been thought that this issue is related to the coinage of the uncertain Cilician colony signed PRINCEPS FELIX (4082-3), as the portrait on both issues seems similar. Therefore, as the Princeps Felix portrait is considered here as Octavian/ Augustus, the same identification has been adopted for the Q coinage. These coins have in the past been considered as Macedonian, due to the reverse typology on 5409-10, which is similar to that found on the Aesillas coinage. But the hasta, which is an emblem of imperium, the money chest and the quaestor's chair of office are objects which symbolise the authority of Roman officials and they are found elsewhere, e.g., on the coinage of Pupius Rufus (919-23). They certainly denote a rank of quaestor propraetore (FITA, p. 16), as the spear could not be used normally by a quaestor who did not possess imperium. Grant assigned the Q issue to M. Acilius in 45/44 BC and supposed that he was the governor of Macedonia during the last year of Caesar's life. But that is just a guess. It should be noted that no specimen has turned up in Macedonia, but that two were bought in Beirut by H. Seyrig (5409/2-3). Therefore a Syrian origin was suggested in RPC I. Since the publication of RPC, four specimens have been recorded in Amasya Museum (S. Ireland, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Coins in the Amasya Museum (London, 2000), p. 53 nos. 2096-9). These, in addition to the two in Samsun and Amasra, indicate beyond any real doubt that the Q coins emanate from somewhere in northern Turkey. One halved piece was also found at Burgas, Bulgaria. Axis: 12 or 6. Northern Turkey origin? 13 Parma 20.65 1 no no no [show] [edit]
II 1177 Asia (conventus of Alabanda) Caria Rhodes Late first century AD? Æ (20 mm) radiate head of Helios, right ΡΟΔΙΩΝ (or ΡΟΔΙΩΝ) Nike, left, with wreath and palm, sometimes on prow BMC 387; Cop 895 Axis: 6 or 12 23 Parma 3501 20 1 no no no [show] [edit]
II 1634 Galatia-Cappadocia Pontus Neocaesarea Year 29 AD 92/3 Æ (20 mm) ΕΤΟΥϹ ΚΘ bust of Zeus, right ΝΕΟΚΑΙϹΑΡΕΙΑϹ inscription in wreath Rec 6 1 Parma Rec pl. XII, 23 20 9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 489 Achaea Epirus Nicopolis Æ (22 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤΟ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟ[Ϲ ϹωΤΗΡ ΠΟΛ]ΕωϹ laureate head of Trajan, right [ ] agonistic table Oikonomidou Trajan —, Calomino 23 3 Parma 2435 5.08 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 2191 Asia (conventus of Alabanda) Caria Rhodes First half of the second century Æ (18 mm) ΡΟΔΙωΝ radiate bust of Helios, right ΡΟΔΙωΝ radiate bust of Sarapis, right wearing kalathos BMC 404–6 14 Parma 3504 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 2191 Asia (conventus of Alabanda) Caria Rhodes First half of the second century Æ (18 mm) ΡΟΔΙωΝ radiate bust of Helios, right ΡΟΔΙωΝ radiate bust of Sarapis, right wearing kalathos BMC 404–6 15 Parma 3505 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 183 Achaea Attica Athens Agora Period VB c. 120's – 140's (or 150's) Æ bust of Athena wearing necklace and aegis, right ΑΘΗΝΑΙωΝ in centre, Triptolemus standing in biga drawn by serpents, left, holding long torch; to left, Demeter standing, right, holding long torch and ears of corn; to right, Persephone standing, left, holding long torch Kroll, Agora 177, Svoronos, Athens 94.2–6, Cop 316 !deno: drachm (Agora); !simtyp with head only; !revtyp: Cop Demeter(?) between Persephone and Hekate 1 Parma NCP, p. 141, pl. BB.XXIV (rev.) = Svoronos, Athens 94.2 26 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 331 Achaea Attica Athens Agora Period VC 140's or 150's – ca. 175 Æ head of Athena (with traces of drapery), right ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ Athena Parthenos standing, left, holding Nike over serpent, resting arm on shield; next to shield, upright spear Kroll, Agora 248(2), Svoronos, Athens 82.32–3 !deno: drachm (Agora); !simtyps 2 Parma Svoronos, Athens 82.33 22 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 1209 Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Commodus Æ ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right ΚΑΒΕΙΡΟϹ Kabeiros standing, left, holding rhyton and hammer Touratsoglou, Pseudoautonomen VI I, 1–11 (Commodus C), BMC 51 !simtyps slightly earlier/later 3 Parma 2066 6.65 22 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 1217 Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Commodus Æ nude Pan (youthful) advancing, right, carrying pedum over shoulder and nebris; to left, syrinx (or letter D); to right, crescent surmounted by star ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ in laurel wreath; between, laurel endings, small eagle, facing Touratsoglou, Pseudoautonomen III C, 1–2 (Commodus), AMNG 30 !obvtyp: spec 1 with syrinx, 2 with D; !spec-wei: Tou wronlgy 21mm instead of 12mm 2 Parma 2063, obverse with letter D Touratsoglou, Pseudoautonomen III C, 2 (Commodus), pl. 48 (V2, R2) = AMNG 30, pl. XXIII.20 (obv.) 2.31 17 8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 1291 Macedonia Macedonia Cassandrea Æ Antoninus Pius T AEL CAESAR ANTONINVS (A shaped as Λ) bare head of Antoninus Pius, right COL IVL AVG CASSANDRENS (A shaped as Λ) head of Jupiter/Zeus Ammon, left AMNG 9 !Simtyp with laureate head 1 Parma AMNG 9, pl. XIII.6 (rev.) 22 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 1500 Thrace Thrace Pautalia 161–176 Æ Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΟΥΛΠΙΑϹ ΠΑΥΤΑΛΙΑϹ Asclepius standing, facing, resting right arm on column entwined by serpent Ruzicka, Pautalia 113 $CHECK/DO !simtyps with other obvlegletterdistribution, might combine them with others later; depends on Fittschen-type: V5;!Fittschen$; !deno: 3er (Ruz) 1 Parma Ruzicka, Pautalia 113, pl. V.16 (rev.) 22 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 2100 Thrace Thrace Aenus Second century AD Æ draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus ΑΙΝΙΩΝ Asclepius standing, left, holding serpent-staff AMNG 405a !simtyps; 1-4 are AMNG 405a with 'Asclepius, l.', check perhaps type of their own 3 Parma Nomisma 4 (1910), pl. II.31$ 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 2357 Thrace Thrace Perinthus c. 139–144 Æ Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (youthful) wearing paludamentum, right ΠΕΡΙΝΘΙΩΝ diademed head of hero Perinthos (youthful), right Schönert, Perinthos 411–18, Schönert, Supplementum27, Cop 749 corr. !deno: "2er" (Sch); !addref2: Mi S II, 406, no. 1214; !illu7: obv. on pl. XIII, rev. belongs elsewhere; !ref9: perpas Mou 4475$ 6 Parma Schönert, Perinthos 415, pl. 22 (rev.) 23 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 3064 Northern Black Sea Sarmatia Tyra Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥΤ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΤΥΡΑΝΩΝ eagle standing on line, left, head, right, holding wreath in beak Tyra 52 and 52a, $CHECK/DO !addrefL: Zograph V.2;!types: 1-12 = Tyra 52 with TYRA NWN, 13-23 = Tyra 52a with TYRAN WN 18 Parma 20 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 3682 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicaea c. 188–192 Æ Commodus ΑΥΤ [ ] [ΑΝΤΩ?] bare head of Commodus, right ΝΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ male figure (Pan?) kneeling, right, playing flute Rec — !emp: is it really com? Perhaps look through Rec for this type 1 Parma cast at the Griechisches Münzwerk, Berlin 18 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 3956 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicomedia 175–177 Æ Commodus [Λ?] [ΑΥ]Ρ ΚοΜοΔοϹ Κ bare-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ΜΗΤ ΝΕΩΚ(Ο) ΝΕΙΚΟΜ(ΗΔΕΙΑϹ) hippocamp, right Rec 133 !obvleg: L quite likely to be there as it occurs on all coins of Commodus at the beginning of his name 3 Parma cast at the Griechisches Münzwerk, Berlin 16 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 3990 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicomedia c. 184–190 Æ (24 mm) Commodus Α Κ Μ ΑΥ Κο ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝ laureate head of Commodus, right ΜΗΤΡΟ(Π) ΝΕΩΚ(Ο) ΝΙΚΟΜΗ(Δ) eagle standing, facing, head, right, spreading wings, fighting serpent coiled around it Rec 99 corr. !simtyps with legvars 6 Parma cast at the Griechisches Münzwerk, Berlin 24 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 4087 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Prusias ad Hypium Marcus and Verus, co-emperors after 164 Æ Lucius Verus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΜ Λ ΑΥΡ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ bare-headed bust of Lucius Verus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ΠΡΟΥϹΙΕΩΝ ΠΡΟϹ ΥΠΙΩ nude Hermes standing, left, holding purse, caduceus and chlamys Rec 41 2 Parma cast at the Griechisches Münzwerk, Berlin 19 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 4140 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Tium Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius with traces of drapery, right ΖΕΥϹ ϹΥΡΓΑϹΤΗϹ ΤΙΑ Zeus Syrgastes standing, left, holding patera over eagle and long sceptre Rec 39 !simtyps bare head and legs vars; !obvleg: Rec only with ANTWNeIN, but there is more 2 Parma cast at the Griechisches Münzwerk, Berlin 18 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 4165 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Tium c. 139–147 Æ Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΡΗΛΙ[ ] ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare head of Marcus Aurelius (youthful - lightly bearded), left ΤΙΑΝ[ΩΝ] male figure (Asclepius?) standing, facing, head, left, holding uncertain object (staff or torch) and long staff entwined by serpent Rec — 1 Parma cast at the Griechisches Münzwerk, Berlin 21 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 877 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Mysia Apollonia ad Rhyndacum c. 180–182 Æ (21 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΑΤΩΝ Pan advancing, left, leading goat by horns von Fritze Mys. —, Robert, Carie W corr., GM 669, no. 429 corr. !spec7: Scholz wants addobvlegvar: AV.K(!).M. … but I am not convinced 1 Parma GM 669, no. 429, pl. X.2, under 'Apollonia Salbace' 21 1 8696 6286 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 976 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Mysia Adramyteum 'Pseudo-autonomous': The Antonines c. 138–192 Claudius Secundus Æ (15 mm) [Ϲ]ΤΡΑ ΚΛ [ head of Zeus wearing laurel wreath, left ]ΜΥ (ΑΤ as monogram in field) male figure on galloping horse, right, raising arm von Fritze Mys. 76, Stauber 122 1 Parma von Fritze Mys. 76, pl. II.6 2.5 17 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 3192 Asia (conventus of Alabanda) Caria Rhodes Æ (17 mm) Antoninus Pius ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΡΟΔΙΩΝ radiate-headed and draped bust of Helios, right BMC 419, Cop 910 Mi Suppl. VI, 607, no. 330 35 Parma 3503 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VI 2074 Moesia Inferior Moesia Istrus Æ (30 mm) Elagabalus ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right seen from rear ΙϹΤΡΙΗΝΩΝ, Ε rider-god Mithras on horse-back advancing, right, wearing mantle and kalathos; behind, bird on top of a torch(?), right; before, altar Mouchmov 186, AMNG 509–10, SNG Stancomb 880 9 Parma AMNG 509.1 29 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VI 8198 Syria Phoenice Phoenicia Sidon Æ (29 mm) Elagabalus IMP CAESAR M AV ANTONINVS (AVG) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from rear AVR PIA SIDON COL METRO Astarte standing facing, turreted, holding long sceptre and resting on trophy on her right, crowned by Nike standing on small column, left, on her left; at her feet, to left, small Marsyas standing, right, carrying wineskin on shoulder and raising hand Rouvier 1490 5 Parma Rouvier 149029 16.25 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VII.2 39 Epirus Epirus Nicopolis Æ (23 mm) Gordian III ΑΥ Κ ΜΑ ΑΝ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from rear ΙΕΡΑϹ ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ Nike advancing right, holding wreath and palm Oikonomidou 6–15; Calomino 480 16 Parma 2447 Calomino 480.17 5.2 24 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VII.2 215 Macedonia Macedonia Koinon of Macedonia Type D: Head of Alexander with lion skin Æ (26 mm) ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ head of Alexander the Great, right, wearing lion skin ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ Β ΝΕ Alexander the Great riding Bucephalus galloping left, holding spear AMNG 728 2 Parma AMNG 728.2 = cast in BBAW 25.7 1 18749 no no yes [show] [edit]
VIII 101 Epirus Epirus Nicopolis Æ (22 mm) Philip II ΑΥΤ Μ ΙΟΥ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip II, right, seen from front ΙΕΡΑϹ ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ Athena standing left, holding spear, hand on shield at feet Oikonomidou 40; Calomino 528 2 Parma 2445 Calomino 528.2 5.39 21.5 1 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
VIII 1471 Asia (conventus of Halicarnassus) Caria Cos Æ (22 mm) Α ΒΟΥΛΑ veiled and draped bust of the Boule, right ΚΩΙΩΝ nude male figure (Heracles?) sitting facing on rock, holding child; in field, star Martin, Demos, p. 87, Kos 2 Dated to the 2nd–3rd century by Martin. see GM for reverse type. 11 Parma GM p. 678, no. 458 and pl. X, 16 22 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IX 147 Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica Group 2 Æ (30 mm) Herennia Etruscilla [ ]ΝΝΙΑ ΤΡΟΥϹ[ ] diademed and draped bust of Etruscilla, right, on crescent ΘΕϹϹΑ[ΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΚΟ ΜΗΤ Δ ΝΕΩ]ΚΟΡΟϹ four agonistic crowns, each containing two palms; in field, Δ Touratsoglou 7 1 Parma 2069 Touratsoglou 2, pl. 44 9.65 28 2 1 1760 3141 no no no [show] [edit]
X 22 Dacia Dacia Province of Dacia AN X AD 255/6 Æ (25 mm) Gallienus IMP GALLIENVS PIV AVG laureate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus, right, seen from front PROVINCIA DACIA, AN X Dacia standing left, holding standard in each hand; to left, eagle with wreath in beak; to right, lion AMNG 68, Cavagna 341-345, 347–348 12 Parma 1899 AMNG 68.2 7.69 25 3 1 30123 30133 no no no [show] [edit]
X 57 Epirus Epirus Nicopolis Æ (23 mm) Gallienus ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus, right, seen from rear ΙΕΡΑϹ ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ Zeus (?) standing left, head right holding sceptre in left Calomino 579; Oikonomides 2–3, pl. 56.7, 66.30–31 6 Parma 2446 6.22 21 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]