Search results: 200 entries found.

Vol. Province Region City Issue Dating Magistrates Denomination Person(s) Obv. inscription Obv. design Rev. inscription Rev. design Reference Note Internal note Coin Number Museum Inventory Number Bibliography Weight Diameter Axis Quantity Obv. die Rev. die Obv. cmks Rev. cmks Note Obv. img Rev. img Plate Uri link
I 1530 Macedonia Macedonia Uncertain mint of Macedonia 25 BC Marcus Fictorius ; Marcus Septimius Leaded bronze (17 mm) M FICTORIVS M SEPTVMIV IIVIR QVI view of city M FICTORIVS M SEPTVMIVS IIVIR QVINQ Amazon shield AMNG III, 98, no. 25 8 IMJ 4914 3.73 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3839 Kingdom of Armenia Minor Armenia Kingdom of Armenia Minor Year 13 AD 66/7 Æ (25 mm) Aristobulus of Chalcis ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΡΙΣΤΟΒΟΥΛΟΥ ΕΤ ΙΓ diademed bust of Aristobulus, right ΝΕΡΩΝΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΩ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΩ inscription in wreath Rec 2, Mesh 4, Kovacs 299 The date can now clearly be read as year 13. Original comment: "The date on the P coin now is read as ΕΤ Γ by Y. Meshorer, ‘Ancient Jewish Coinage. Addendum I’, INJ 11 (1990-91), p. 112, which would date it to AD 56/7. See J. Dalaison, L’atelier monétaire de Nicopolis en Arménie Mineure, in J. Dalaison éd., Espaces et pouvoirs dans l’Antiquité. De l’Anatolie à la Gaule, Les Cahiers du CRHIPA 11 (Grenoble, 2007), pp. 203-37; i., Qui était Salomé?, REA 115, 2013, pp. 497-507". 3 IMJ Sofaer 171 = R. Barkay, A New Coin of Aristobulus of Armenia Minor, INJ 16, 2007–8, pp. 103–4 and Fig. 1 14.79 26.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4740 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Year 11 39/38 BC Æ (24 mm) Mark Antony bare head of Antony, right; all in wreath ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΕΩΝ ΙΕΡΑΣ, L ΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ (in field) Tyche standing, left, with aplustre and palm branch Seyrig 19 (Rouvier 993, Kadman 73) 16 IMJ Sofaer 117 10.42 28.4 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4740 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Year 11 39/38 BC Æ (24 mm) Mark Antony bare head of Antony, right; all in wreath ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΕΩΝ ΙΕΡΑΣ, L ΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ (in field) Tyche standing, left, with aplustre and palm branch Seyrig 19 (Rouvier 993, Kadman 73) 17 IMJ Sofaer 118 9.31 25.3 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4741 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Year 3 35/34 BC Æ (24 mm) Mark Antony bare head of Antony, right; all in wreath ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑ L Γ (in l. field), ΙΕΡΑϹ ΑϹΥΛΟΥ (around, on r.), ΙΕ (in r. field) diademed bust of Cleopatra, right ?Seyrig 20, Kadman 74 For the reading, see introduction. 1 IMJ Sternberg XI (1981), lot 399; Sofaer 120 10.36 24 12 1 17364 weight given as 9.41 in Sofaer no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4742 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Years 3 and 15 35/34 BC Æ (24 mm) Mark Antony bare head of Antony, right; all in wreath ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΕΩΝ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ, ΙΕ diademed bust of Cleopatra, right Seyrig 20 var. (Kadman 74) The unexpected spelling ΠΤΟΛƐΜΑΙƐWΝ is clear. 3 IMJ Y. Meshorer, City Coins of Eretz-Israel, p. 12, no. 1 24 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4742 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Years 3 and 15 35/34 BC Æ (24 mm) Mark Antony bare head of Antony, right; all in wreath ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΕΩΝ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ, ΙΕ diademed bust of Cleopatra, right Seyrig 20 var. (Kadman 74) The unexpected spelling ΠΤΟΛƐΜΑΙƐWΝ is clear. 6 IMJ Sofaer 119 10.36 23.5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4743E Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Year 31 19/18 BC Æ (20 mm) laureate head of Zeus, right, with laurel(?)-branch over shoulder; all in wreath Π[ ], L ΑΛ Tyche (?) standing left, with ? (sceptre/stylis) and cornucopia 1 IMJ 1687 20 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4743B Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Year 29 21/20 BC Æ (22 mm) laureate head of Zeus, right; all in wreath ΠΤΟΛΕΜ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, LΚΘ Tyche standing, left, with rudder and cornucopia 1 IMJ Sofaer 116 10.42 23.2 1 18300 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4743A Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Year uncertain (Year 21 ?) 29/28 BC (?) Æ (22 mm) laureate head of Zeus, right; all in wreath ΠΤΟΛΕΜ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, [LΚΑ?] Tyche standing, left, with rudder and cornucopia The date read as year 21 in Sofaer 115. This might require confirmation, especially as the obverse die is shared with a coin from year 29. 1 IMJ Sofaer 115 22.4 1 18300 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4746 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais AD 50/1 Æ (22 mm) Claudius laureate head of Claudius, right ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΔΙ, ΑΙ L, ΘϘ L Tyche standing, left, with rudder and cornucopia Seyrig 25 (Rouvier 995, Kadman 88–9) 11 IMJ Sofaer 123 9.39 21.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4746 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais AD 50/1 Æ (22 mm) Claudius laureate head of Claudius, right ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΔΙ, ΑΙ L, ΘϘ L Tyche standing, left, with rudder and cornucopia Seyrig 25 (Rouvier 995, Kadman 88–9) 12 IMJ Sofaer 124 8.04 23 1 GIC 138 (male head r.) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4746 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais AD 50/1 Æ (22 mm) Claudius laureate head of Claudius, right ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΔΙ, ΑΙ L, ΘϘ L Tyche standing, left, with rudder and cornucopia Seyrig 25 (Rouvier 995, Kadman 88–9) 13 IMJ Sofaer 125 7.22 23.3 1 GIC 138 (male head r.) GIC 468 (swastika) no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4746 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais AD 50/1 Æ (22 mm) Claudius laureate head of Claudius, right ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΔΙ, ΑΙ L, ΘϘ L Tyche standing, left, with rudder and cornucopia Seyrig 25 (Rouvier 995, Kadman 88–9) 14 IMJ Sofaer 126 14.04 22 1 Crude style, ancient imitation. Lead. no no no [show] [edit]
I 4747 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais AD 50/1 Æ (19 mm) Claudius laureate head of Claudius, left ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΔΙ, L ΑΙ (in field, l.) L ΘϘ (in field, r.) Zeus standing facing, head right, resting on sceptre with his right hand, chlamys hanging from his left shoulder Seyrig 26 3 IMJ Sofaer 127 6.18 19 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4747 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais AD 50/1 Æ (19 mm) Claudius laureate head of Claudius, left ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΔΙ, L ΑΙ (in field, l.) L ΘϘ (in field, r.) Zeus standing facing, head right, resting on sceptre with his right hand, chlamys hanging from his left shoulder Seyrig 26 4 IMJ Sofaer 128 4.88 18.3 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4748 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais AD 50/1 Æ (15 mm) Claudius laureate head of Claudius, right ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΕΩΝ, ΘϘ Perseus advancing, left, head right, with medusa head and harpa Seyrig 27 4 IMJ Sofaer 121 2.89 15.2 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4748 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais AD 50/1 Æ (15 mm) Claudius laureate head of Claudius, right ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΕΩΝ, ΘϘ Perseus advancing, left, head right, with medusa head and harpa Seyrig 27 5 IMJ Sofaer 122 2.89 15.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4749 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Æ (25 mm) Nero NERO CAES AVG COS IIII IMP XIIII P P laureate head of Nero, left; lituus before DIVOS CLAVD GER FELIX PTOL, III VI X XI, COL C C ST togate man ploughing with two oxen, right; behind, four vexilla Seyrig 32, Rouvier 997 For the date (66/7?), see introduction. A specimen of this type of Nero was discovered on the site of Gamala, destroyed in August/September 67, thereby providing a terminus ante quem for the coin (D. Syon, ‘The coins from Gamala - Interim report’, INJ 1992-93 [1994], pp. 34-55, at p. 54 no. 76. 11 IMJ Sofaer 134 8.58 25.1 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4750 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Æ (25 mm) Nero IMP NER CL CAES AVG GER P M TR POT laureate head of Nero, right; before, star and crescent DIVOS CLAVD STAB GER FELIX P, III VI X XI, COL CLA (across field) togate man ploughing with two oxen, right; behind, four vexilla Seyrig 31, Rouvier 996 For the date (66–68?) and identification of the relevant legions, see introduction. 14 IMJ Sofaer 131 11.82 23.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4750 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Æ (25 mm) Nero IMP NER CL CAES AVG GER P M TR POT laureate head of Nero, right; before, star and crescent DIVOS CLAVD STAB GER FELIX P, III VI X XI, COL CLA (across field) togate man ploughing with two oxen, right; behind, four vexilla Seyrig 31, Rouvier 996 For the date (66–68?) and identification of the relevant legions, see introduction. 15 IMJ Sofaer 133 13.33 25 1 no star and crescent on obv. and rev. with STA GER no no no [show] [edit]
I 4750 Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Æ (25 mm) Nero IMP NER CL CAES AVG GER P M TR POT laureate head of Nero, right; before, star and crescent DIVOS CLAVD STAB GER FELIX P, III VI X XI, COL CLA (across field) togate man ploughing with two oxen, right; behind, four vexilla Seyrig 31, Rouvier 996 For the date (66–68?) and identification of the relevant legions, see introduction. 16 IMJ Sofaer 132 14.48 27.6 1 no star and crescent on obv. and rev. with STA GER PTO no no no [show] [edit]
I 4751A Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Æ (14 mm) laureate head of Zeus, right COL PTOL club within wreath Rosenberger 45, Kadman 91 Presumably not a complete list. Omitted from RPC I-II. Probably late Claudian/early Neronian. 6 IMJ Sofaer 129 3.16 17 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4751A Syria Phoenicia Ptolemais Æ (14 mm) laureate head of Zeus, right COL PTOL club within wreath Rosenberger 45, Kadman 91 Presumably not a complete list. Omitted from RPC I-II. Probably late Claudian/early Neronian. 7 IMJ Sofaer 130 3.15 15.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4754 Syria Phoenicia Dora Year 31 34/33 BC Æ (16 mm) female head in wreath, right L ΛΑ poppy between two ears of corn Meshorer 15 The portrait was identified by Meshorer as that of Cleopatra. See comment on 4753. 1 IMJ Meshorer, pl. 19.15 3.15 16 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4757 Syria Phoenicia Dora AD 64/5 Æ (23 mm) laureate head of Doros, right ΔωΡ(Ε)ΙΤωΝ, L ΡΚΗ Tyche standing, left (head right), with standard and cornucopia Meshorer 17, Rouvier 758 4757–60: CGT coll., 11.23 (date unclear, but circular cmk on obv.: laureate head, l.: GIC 155?). 9 IMJ Sofaer 10 11.54 22.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4758 Syria Phoenicia Dora AD 66/7 Æ (23 mm) laureate head of Doros, right ΔωΡ(Ε)ΙΤωΝ, ΛΡ Tyche standing, left (head right), with standard and cornucopia Meshorer 20–20b 2 IMJ Sofaer 13 10.44 22.6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4759 Syria Phoenicia Dora AD 67/8 Æ (23 mm) laureate head of Doros, right ΔωΡ(Ε)ΙΤωΝ, ΑΛΡ Tyche standing, left (head right), with standard and cornucopia Meshorer 23, Rouvier 760 The vexillum seems to have a circular object; on /14 it looks like the two letters ΖΟ? 16 IMJ Sofaer 18 9.78 23.2 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4759 Syria Phoenicia Dora AD 67/8 Æ (23 mm) laureate head of Doros, right ΔωΡ(Ε)ΙΤωΝ, ΑΛΡ Tyche standing, left (head right), with standard and cornucopia Meshorer 23, Rouvier 760 The vexillum seems to have a circular object; on /14 it looks like the two letters ΖΟ? 17 IMJ Sofaer 19 9.75 23.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4761 Syria Phoenicia Dora AD 64/5 Æ (19 mm) veiled head of Tyche, right ΔωΡ(Ε)ΙΤωΝ, L ΡΚΗ Tyche standing, left (head right), with standard and cornucopia Meshorer 18–18a, Rouvier 755 9 IMJ Sofaer 11 5.65 19.1 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4762 Syria Phoenicia Dora AD 66/7 Æ (19 mm) veiled head of Tyche, right ΔωΡ(Ε)ΙΤωΝ, (L) ΡΛ Tyche standing, left (head right), with standard and cornucopia Meshorer 21 Corr.: (L) ΡΛ 1 IMJ Sofaer 15 4.64 18.9 1 L ΡΛ no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4764 Syria Phoenicia Dora AD 68/9 Æ (19 mm) veiled head of Tyche, left ΔωΡ(Ε)ΙΤωΝ, ΒΛΡ Tyche standing, left, looking right, with standard and cornucopia Meshorer 26 1 IMJ Sofaer 20 5.18 20 1 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4765 Syria Phoenicia Dora AD 64/5 Æ (19 mm) veiled head of Tyche, right ΔωΡ(Ε)ΙΤωΝ, L ΡΚΗ galley Meshorer 19, Rouvier 756 3 IMJ Sofaer 12 3.57 14.9 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4766 Syria Phoenicia Dora AD 66/7 Æ (19 mm) veiled head of Tyche, right ΔωΡ(Ε)ΙΤωΝ, L ΛΡ galley Meshorer 22 1 IMJ Sofaer 16 2.95 15.8 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4766 Syria Phoenicia Dora AD 66/7 Æ (19 mm) veiled head of Tyche, right ΔωΡ(Ε)ΙΤωΝ, L ΛΡ galley Meshorer 22 2 IMJ Sofaer 17 14.2 1 ΡΛ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4768 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Lysanias Year 272, crude style 40 BC Lysanias Æ (20 mm) ΠΤΟ diademed head, right ΒΟϹ (ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ) (ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕ) Nike standing, left, with wreath and palm; various monograms The inscription and monograms on the rev. come in various forms: (a) ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ ΑΡΧΙƐΡƐ {ΤƐ}; same monogram as countermarked as 4470; (b) ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ} ΙΦ; (c) as (b), but retrograde monograms and date; no ΙΦ; (d) {ΛϹΑ} {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ} ΦΙ; and (e) ΦΙ {ΑϹΑ} {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ}. Many more specimens in trade and JSW. One would expect the portrait to be that of Lysanias, but the {Πτο} monogram behind the head (here and on 4770) suggests that it may in fact be a posthumous portrait of Ptolemy. It seems an odd place, for instance, to put a patronymic. It is surprising that the portrait has a diadem, as neither Ptolemy nor Lysanias had the rank of king. [Cassius Dio 49,32,5 and Josephus Bellum 1,22,3 (440) describe Lysanias as basileus / king! M. Reichardt]. 5 IMJ Sofaer 31 4.73 19.1 1 GIC — (O with three bars from it) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4768 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Lysanias Year 272, crude style 40 BC Lysanias Æ (20 mm) ΠΤΟ diademed head, right ΒΟϹ (ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ) (ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕ) Nike standing, left, with wreath and palm; various monograms The inscription and monograms on the rev. come in various forms: (a) ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ ΑΡΧΙƐΡƐ {ΤƐ}; same monogram as countermarked as 4470; (b) ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ} ΙΦ; (c) as (b), but retrograde monograms and date; no ΙΦ; (d) {ΛϹΑ} {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ} ΦΙ; and (e) ΦΙ {ΑϹΑ} {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ}. Many more specimens in trade and JSW. One would expect the portrait to be that of Lysanias, but the {Πτο} monogram behind the head (here and on 4770) suggests that it may in fact be a posthumous portrait of Ptolemy. It seems an odd place, for instance, to put a patronymic. It is surprising that the portrait has a diadem, as neither Ptolemy nor Lysanias had the rank of king. [Cassius Dio 49,32,5 and Josephus Bellum 1,22,3 (440) describe Lysanias as basileus / king! M. Reichardt]. 6 IMJ Sofaer 32 6.63 20 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4768 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Lysanias Year 272, crude style 40 BC Lysanias Æ (20 mm) ΠΤΟ diademed head, right ΒΟϹ (ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ) (ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕ) Nike standing, left, with wreath and palm; various monograms The inscription and monograms on the rev. come in various forms: (a) ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ ΑΡΧΙƐΡƐ {ΤƐ}; same monogram as countermarked as 4470; (b) ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ} ΙΦ; (c) as (b), but retrograde monograms and date; no ΙΦ; (d) {ΛϹΑ} {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ} ΦΙ; and (e) ΦΙ {ΑϹΑ} {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ}. Many more specimens in trade and JSW. One would expect the portrait to be that of Lysanias, but the {Πτο} monogram behind the head (here and on 4770) suggests that it may in fact be a posthumous portrait of Ptolemy. It seems an odd place, for instance, to put a patronymic. It is surprising that the portrait has a diadem, as neither Ptolemy nor Lysanias had the rank of king. [Cassius Dio 49,32,5 and Josephus Bellum 1,22,3 (440) describe Lysanias as basileus / king! M. Reichardt]. 7 IMJ Sofaer 33 4.6 19.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4768 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Lysanias Year 272, crude style 40 BC Lysanias Æ (20 mm) ΠΤΟ diademed head, right ΒΟϹ (ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ) (ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕ) Nike standing, left, with wreath and palm; various monograms The inscription and monograms on the rev. come in various forms: (a) ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ ΑΡΧΙƐΡƐ {ΤƐ}; same monogram as countermarked as 4470; (b) ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ} ΙΦ; (c) as (b), but retrograde monograms and date; no ΙΦ; (d) {ΛϹΑ} {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ} ΦΙ; and (e) ΦΙ {ΑϹΑ} {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ}. Many more specimens in trade and JSW. One would expect the portrait to be that of Lysanias, but the {Πτο} monogram behind the head (here and on 4770) suggests that it may in fact be a posthumous portrait of Ptolemy. It seems an odd place, for instance, to put a patronymic. It is surprising that the portrait has a diadem, as neither Ptolemy nor Lysanias had the rank of king. [Cassius Dio 49,32,5 and Josephus Bellum 1,22,3 (440) describe Lysanias as basileus / king! M. Reichardt]. 8 IMJ Sofaer 34 4.37 18.2 1 GIC — (O with three bars from it) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4768 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Lysanias Year 272, crude style 40 BC Lysanias Æ (20 mm) ΠΤΟ diademed head, right ΒΟϹ (ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ) (ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕ) Nike standing, left, with wreath and palm; various monograms The inscription and monograms on the rev. come in various forms: (a) ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ ΑΡΧΙƐΡƐ {ΤƐ}; same monogram as countermarked as 4470; (b) ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ} ΙΦ; (c) as (b), but retrograde monograms and date; no ΙΦ; (d) {ΛϹΑ} {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ} ΦΙ; and (e) ΦΙ {ΑϹΑ} {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ}. Many more specimens in trade and JSW. One would expect the portrait to be that of Lysanias, but the {Πτο} monogram behind the head (here and on 4770) suggests that it may in fact be a posthumous portrait of Ptolemy. It seems an odd place, for instance, to put a patronymic. It is surprising that the portrait has a diadem, as neither Ptolemy nor Lysanias had the rank of king. [Cassius Dio 49,32,5 and Josephus Bellum 1,22,3 (440) describe Lysanias as basileus / king! M. Reichardt]. 9 IMJ Sofaer 35 5.88 21.6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4768 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Lysanias Year 272, crude style 40 BC Lysanias Æ (20 mm) ΠΤΟ diademed head, right ΒΟϹ (ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ) (ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕ) Nike standing, left, with wreath and palm; various monograms The inscription and monograms on the rev. come in various forms: (a) ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ ΑΡΧΙƐΡƐ {ΤƐ}; same monogram as countermarked as 4470; (b) ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ} ΙΦ; (c) as (b), but retrograde monograms and date; no ΙΦ; (d) {ΛϹΑ} {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ} ΦΙ; and (e) ΦΙ {ΑϹΑ} {ΤƐΤΡ} {ΑΡΧ}. Many more specimens in trade and JSW. One would expect the portrait to be that of Lysanias, but the {Πτο} monogram behind the head (here and on 4770) suggests that it may in fact be a posthumous portrait of Ptolemy. It seems an odd place, for instance, to put a patronymic. It is surprising that the portrait has a diadem, as neither Ptolemy nor Lysanias had the rank of king. [Cassius Dio 49,32,5 and Josephus Bellum 1,22,3 (440) describe Lysanias as basileus / king! M. Reichardt]. 10 IMJ Sofaer 36 3.76 18.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4769 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Lysanias Æ (20 mm) female head, right ΛϹΑ ΤΕΤΡ ΑΡΧ ΦΙ double cornucopia Several specimens in trade and JSW. 2 IMJ Sofaer 37 6.64 22.1 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4769 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Lysanias Æ (20 mm) female head, right ΛϹΑ ΤΕΤΡ ΑΡΧ ΦΙ double cornucopia Several specimens in trade and JSW. 3 IMJ Sofaer 38 6.33 22.2 1 GIC — (uncertain) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4769 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Lysanias Æ (20 mm) female head, right ΛϹΑ ΤΕΤΡ ΑΡΧ ΦΙ double cornucopia Several specimens in trade and JSW. 4 IMJ Sofaer 39 26.5 1 GIC — (uncertain) struck on very large flan no no no [show] [edit]
I 4770 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum undated, better style 40/36 BC Lysanias Æ (20 mm) ΠΤΟ diademed head, right ΛΥΣΑΝΙΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΩΣ, ΦΛ (to r.) Athena standing, left, holding Nike and resting hand on shield BMC 6 Many in trade. For the identity of the portrait, see 4768. 21 IMJ Sofaer 40 8.83 23.3 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4770 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum undated, better style 40/36 BC Lysanias Æ (20 mm) ΠΤΟ diademed head, right ΛΥΣΑΝΙΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΩΣ, ΦΛ (to r.) Athena standing, left, holding Nike and resting hand on shield BMC 6 Many in trade. For the identity of the portrait, see 4768. 22 IMJ Sofaer 41 5.26 19.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4770 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum undated, better style 40/36 BC Lysanias Æ (20 mm) ΠΤΟ diademed head, right ΛΥΣΑΝΙΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΩΣ, ΦΛ (to r.) Athena standing, left, holding Nike and resting hand on shield BMC 6 Many in trade. For the identity of the portrait, see 4768. 23 IMJ Sofaer 42 5.33 21 1 GIC — (O with three bars from it) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4771 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum 32/31 BC Æ (20 mm) Cleopatra VII ΒΑϹΙΛΙϹϹΗϹ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑϹ bust of Cleopatra, right ΕΤΟΥϹ ΚΑ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ Ϛ ΘΕΑϹ ΝΕΩΤΕΡΑϹ bare head of Antony, right Sv Ptol 1887, Rouvier Berytus 440, BMC Berytus 15 Not a full listing of specimens: many more in JSW, RW and recent trade. Seyrig thought that there was also a larger denomination because of the heavier weight of a specimen in the American Univ., Beirut (13.75). But this coin (cast in P) is the same general size, and seems just an example struck on an aberrantly thick flan. 20 IMJ Sofaer 43 8.47 21 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4772 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum 32/31 BC Æ (17 mm) Cleopatra VII ΒΑϹΙΛΙϹϹΗϹ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑϹ bust of Cleopatra, right ΕΤΟΥϹ ΚΑ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ Ϛ ΘΕΑϹ ΝΕΩΤΕΡΑϹ Nike advancing, right, with palm and wreath; all in wreath Sv Ptol 1888, Rouvier Berytus 438, BMC Berytus 14 Other specimens in RW and trade. 7 IMJ Sofaer 44 4.99 20.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4773 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum 32/31 BC Æ (16 mm) Cleopatra VII ΒΑϹΙΛΙϹϹΗϹ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑϹ bust of Cleopatra, right ΕΤΟΥϹ ΚΑ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ Ϛ ΘΕΑϹ ΝΕΩΤΕΡΑϹ Athena advancing, left, with shield and spear Rouvier Berytus 439 Specimens also in RW and trade. 7 IMJ Sofaer 45 4.38 17.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4774 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Year 282 31/30 BC Æ (20 mm) Augustus ΝΕ L ΒΠΣ bare head of Octavian, right ΖΗΝΟΔΩΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΕΙ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ bare head of Zenodorus, left AMC 866 The date is sometimes retrograde; the Β is sometimes broken and can look like a Δ. The correct reverse legend is ΖΗΝΟΔΟΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧEI ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ, not ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ. Either a minting error, or a wrong form of genitive case. Thanks to P. Mastrangelis for comments. 15 IMJ Sofaer 46 6.87 21.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4774 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Year 282 31/30 BC Æ (20 mm) Augustus ΝΕ L ΒΠΣ bare head of Octavian, right ΖΗΝΟΔΩΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΕΙ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ bare head of Zenodorus, left AMC 866 The date is sometimes retrograde; the Β is sometimes broken and can look like a Δ. The correct reverse legend is ΖΗΝΟΔΟΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧEI ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ, not ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ. Either a minting error, or a wrong form of genitive case. Thanks to P. Mastrangelis for comments. 16 IMJ Sofaer 47 5.64 20.6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4774 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Year 282 31/30 BC Æ (20 mm) Augustus ΝΕ L ΒΠΣ bare head of Octavian, right ΖΗΝΟΔΩΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΕΙ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ bare head of Zenodorus, left AMC 866 The date is sometimes retrograde; the Β is sometimes broken and can look like a Δ. The correct reverse legend is ΖΗΝΟΔΟΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧEI ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ, not ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ. Either a minting error, or a wrong form of genitive case. Thanks to P. Mastrangelis for comments. 17 IMJ Sofaer 48 5.82 19.3 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4774 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Year 282 31/30 BC Æ (20 mm) Augustus ΝΕ L ΒΠΣ bare head of Octavian, right ΖΗΝΟΔΩΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΕΙ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ bare head of Zenodorus, left AMC 866 The date is sometimes retrograde; the Β is sometimes broken and can look like a Δ. The correct reverse legend is ΖΗΝΟΔΟΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧEI ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ, not ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ. Either a minting error, or a wrong form of genitive case. Thanks to P. Mastrangelis for comments. 18 IMJ Sofaer 49 6.62 19.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4774 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Year 282 31/30 BC Æ (20 mm) Augustus ΝΕ L ΒΠΣ bare head of Octavian, right ΖΗΝΟΔΩΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΕΙ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ bare head of Zenodorus, left AMC 866 The date is sometimes retrograde; the Β is sometimes broken and can look like a Δ. The correct reverse legend is ΖΗΝΟΔΟΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧEI ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ, not ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ. Either a minting error, or a wrong form of genitive case. Thanks to P. Mastrangelis for comments. 19 IMJ Sofaer 50 4.31 23.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4774 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Year 282 31/30 BC Æ (20 mm) Augustus ΝΕ L ΒΠΣ bare head of Octavian, right ΖΗΝΟΔΩΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΕΙ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ bare head of Zenodorus, left AMC 866 The date is sometimes retrograde; the Β is sometimes broken and can look like a Δ. The correct reverse legend is ΖΗΝΟΔΟΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧEI ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ, not ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ. Either a minting error, or a wrong form of genitive case. Thanks to P. Mastrangelis for comments. 20 IMJ Sofaer 51 4.43 22.3 1 GIC 722 (monogram {ΤΙΚΔ}) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4775 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Year 2(87) = 26/5 BC Æ (20 mm) Zenodorus ΖΗΝΟΔΩΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ bare head of Zenodorus, left L ΖΠ ΝΕ ΚΑΙ bare head of Augustus, right BMC 7, Cop 417, AMC 867 9 IMJ Sofaer 52 5.6 19.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4775 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Year 2(87) = 26/5 BC Æ (20 mm) Zenodorus ΖΗΝΟΔΩΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ bare head of Zenodorus, left L ΖΠ ΝΕ ΚΑΙ bare head of Augustus, right BMC 7, Cop 417, AMC 867 10 IMJ Sofaer 53 6.34 21.1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4776C Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Æ (20 mm) Zenodorus ΖΗΝΟΔΟΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ bare head of Zenodorus, right ΝΕ bare head of Octavian, left Same type as RPC I, 4774, but without date. 1 IMJ Sofaer 54 6.43 22.5 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4776C Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Æ (20 mm) Zenodorus ΖΗΝΟΔΟΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ bare head of Zenodorus, right ΝΕ bare head of Octavian, left Same type as RPC I, 4774, but without date. 2 IMJ Sofaer 55 7.25 21.5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4776D Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Æ (17 mm) ΝΕ laureate head of Zeus, right ΝΕ Nike advancing, right, with palm and wreath Same type as RPC I, 4776, but NE on reverse. 2 IMJ Sofaer 57 3.75 18.9 1 18276 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4776 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum Year 2(87) = 26/5 BC Æ (17 mm) ΝΕ laureate head of Zeus, right ΖΗΝΟΔΩΡΟΥ Nike advancing, right, with palm and wreath 4 IMJ Sofaer 58 6.81 23 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4778 Syria Syria Chalcis ad Belum AD 43/4 Æ (24 mm) Herod ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΗΡΩΔΗΣ ΦΙΛΟΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ diademed head of Herod, right ΚΛΑΥΔΙΩ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΕΤ Γ inscription in wreath Meshorer Suppl. IV, no. 1 10 IMJ Sofaer 169 13.43 27.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4807 Syria Syria Antioch ad Hippum AD 67/8 Æ (24 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ laureate head of Nero, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕ(ΩΝ) ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΩ ΙΠΠΩ, ΑΛΡ (to l.) horse standing, left, with Tyche, standing, holding its bridle and cornucopia Spijkerman 1, Sofaer 3–4 9 IMJ Sofaer 3 10.27 23.1 1 GIC 121 (laureate (?) head r.) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4807 Syria Syria Antioch ad Hippum AD 67/8 Æ (24 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ laureate head of Nero, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕ(ΩΝ) ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΩ ΙΠΠΩ, ΑΛΡ (to l.) horse standing, left, with Tyche, standing, holding its bridle and cornucopia Spijkerman 1, Sofaer 3–4 10 IMJ Sofaer 4 24.4 1 GIC 121 (laureate (?) head r.) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4810 Syria Syria Gadara Year 34 AD 3/4 Æ (17 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ bare head of Augustus, right ΓΑΔΑΡΕΙΣ L ΛΔ veiled head of Tyche, right Spijkerman 9 Monika Bernett has pointed out that the coins dated year 34 cannot date to 31/0 since they give Augustus the title sebastos. The era must in this case be not the normal Pompeian era but a different, probably Augustan one. A. Stein [= Kushnir-Stein], Studies in Greek and Latin Inscriptions on the Palestinian Coinage under the Principate (Ph.D. thesis, Tel-Aviv University, 1990),􏰔􏰃􏰗􏰜􏰚􏰗􏰗􏰒􏰔 discussed Gadara on pp. 26–8, and after confirming on􏰜􏰊􏰈􏰖􏰇􏰝􏰃􏰈􏰓􏰭 􏰊􏰈the basis of inscriptions and coins of Elagabalus, that year 1 = 64/3 BC, she went on (pp. 27-8): ‘Apart from a single issue all known dates conform to an era of 64 BC. The only exception is the series dated ‘year 34’ and bearing on the obverse the portrait of Augustus and the legend 􏰥ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ. The era employed cannot be that of 64 BC since by this calculation the coins would have been struck in 31/30 BC - too early a date for Octavian to be called 􏰥ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ (Augustus). The era in question is most probably that of 31 BC (often called ‘Actian’) used at the time by many other cities of Syria. This would date the coins to 3/4 AD. The use of the ‘Actian’ era was discontinued after the􏰔􏰒􏰄􏰕􏰘 death of the first princeps. The next emission of the 􏰕􏰘􏰒city - from the time of Tiberius - is dated by the city era, and so are all its subsequent issues.’ 1 IMJ Rosenberg 10 = Spijkerman, pl. 26.9; Sofaer 9 4.21 17 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4811 Syria Judaea Gaza Æ (13 mm) Augustus bare head of Augustus, right Γ-Α club Spijkerman 10 Published as a coin of Gadara by Spijkerman and listed as such in RPC I, 4811 (with a note 'perhaps a coin of Selge'). An attribution to Gaza, as suggested by Sofaer 46, seems more likely. 2 IMJ Sofaer 46, under Gaza 1.61 12.2 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4812 Syria Syria Gadara AD 28/9 Æ (17 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙω ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ bare head of Tiberius, right; to right, palm branch ΓΑΔΑΡΕΙΣ L ϘΒ veiled head of Tyche, right Spijkerman 11 The Rosenberger catalogue records the same type for years 90 and 91 (nos 13 and 14), but the readings do not seem certain. 19 IMJ Sofaer 10 4.46 19.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4813 Syria Syria Gadara AD 28/9 Æ (13 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙω bare head of Tiberius, right ΓΑΔΑ L ϘΒ crossed cornucopias Spijkerman 12 9 IMJ Sofaer 11 2.36 13.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4813 Syria Syria Gadara AD 28/9 Æ (13 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙω bare head of Tiberius, right ΓΑΔΑ L ϘΒ crossed cornucopias Spijkerman 12 10 IMJ Sofaer 12 1.87 12.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4815 Syria Syria Gadara Æ (16 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙω ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ laureate head of Tiberius, right ΓΑΔΑΡΑ L ΡΑ veiled head of Tyche, right Spijkerman 14, J. Clark, INR 18 (2023), p. 100, 1e and pp. 102-4 Year 101. IN the printed version of RPC I, this was originally attributed to Caligula. 6 IMJ Sofaer 13 5.07 16.7 1 ΤΙ ΚΑΙ[ ] no no no [show] [edit]
I 4816 Syria Syria Gadara Year 108 AD 44/5 Æ (16 mm) Claudius ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate head of Claudius, right ΓΑΔΑΡΑ, L ΗΡ (before) veiled head of Tyche, right Spijkerman 16 15 IMJ Sofaer 14 4.55 18.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4817 Syria Syria Gadara Year 108 AD 44/5 Æ (13 mm) Claudius ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate head of Claudius, right ΓΑΔΑΡΑ, ΗΡ (in field) crossed cornucopias Spijkerman 17 4 IMJ Sofaer 15 2.42 12.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4819 Syria Syria Gadara Year 114 AD 50/1 Æ (16 mm) Claudius ΣΕΒΑΣΤωΙ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ laureate head of Claudius, right ΓΑΔΑΡΑ, L ΔΙΡ (before) veiled head of Tyche, right Spijkerman 19 10 IMJ Sofaer 16 3.71 16.1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4820 Syria Syria Gadara Year 114 AD 50/1 Æ (13 mm) Claudius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΓΑΔΑΡΑ, ΔΙΡ (in field) crossed cornucopias Spijkerman 20 5 IMJ Sofaer 17 2.39 12.9 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4821 Syria Syria Gadara Year 114 AD 50/1 Æ (11 mm) Claudius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΔΙΡ caduceus Spijkerman 21 2 IMJ Sofaer 18 1.21 11.6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4822 Syria Syria Gadara AD 67/8 Æ (21 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ laureate head of Nero, right ΓΑΔΑΡΑ LΑΛΡ Tyche standing, left, with arm outstretched and holding cornucopia; in field, palm branch (and star) Spijkerman 22–3 4 duplicated in list of specimens in print volume. 15 IMJ Sofaer 19 7.85 22 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4822 Syria Syria Gadara AD 67/8 Æ (21 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ laureate head of Nero, right ΓΑΔΑΡΑ LΑΛΡ Tyche standing, left, with arm outstretched and holding cornucopia; in field, palm branch (and star) Spijkerman 22–3 4 duplicated in list of specimens in print volume. 16 IMJ Sofaer 20 11.29 22.5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4822 Syria Syria Gadara AD 67/8 Æ (21 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ laureate head of Nero, right ΓΑΔΑΡΑ LΑΛΡ Tyche standing, left, with arm outstretched and holding cornucopia; in field, palm branch (and star) Spijkerman 22–3 4 duplicated in list of specimens in print volume. 17 IMJ Sofaer 21 11.09 21.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4823 Syria Syria Gadara AD 67/8 Æ (18 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ laureate head of Nero, right ΓΑΔΑΡΕΩΝ L ΑΛΡ crossed cornucopias Spijkerman 25 10 IMJ Sofaer 22 5.86 18.4 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4824 Syria Syria Gadara AD 67/8 Æ (15 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ laureate head of Nero, right ΓΑΔΑΡΑ LΑΛΡ veiled head of Tyche, right Spijkerman 24 4 IMJ Sofaer 22 5.86 16.8 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4825 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Good style (undated) Aulus Gabinius Æ (19 mm) ΓΑΒ bare head of Aulus Gabinius, right ΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΝΥΣΗΙ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm Barkay 3 Same obv. die? 12 IMJ Sofaer 6 6.15 19.2 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4826 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Good style (undated) Aulus Gabinius Æ (19 mm) ΓΑ laureate (?) head, right ΓΑΒΙΝΙϹ ΟΙ ΕΝ ΝΥϹΗ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm Barkay 1 Perhaps an ivy wreath? In which case the head would presumably be that of Dionysus 23 IMJ Sofaer 4 4.79 20.1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4826 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Good style (undated) Aulus Gabinius Æ (19 mm) ΓΑ laureate (?) head, right ΓΑΒΙΝΙϹ ΟΙ ΕΝ ΝΥϹΗ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm Barkay 1 Perhaps an ivy wreath? In which case the head would presumably be that of Dionysus 24 IMJ Sofaer 5 6.18 19.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4827 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Poor style (dated), year 10 55/54 BC Aulus Gabinius Æ (20 mm) bare head, right ΓΑΒ ΝΥ, L Ι (in field), Λ(?) (in exergue) Dionysus standing, left, with cantharus and sceptre Barkay 4 5 IMJ Sofaer 7 6.04 20.3 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4829 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Year 103 AD 39/40 Æ (20 mm) Caligula ΓΑΙΟΥ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ laureate head of Caligula, left ΝΥϹΑ Η ΚΑΙ ϹΚΥΘΟΠΟΛΙϹ, L ΓΡ (in field) Tyche standing, left, holding wreath and sceptre Spijkerman 1, Barkay 7 The Sofaer coin confirms the reading of the rev. legend, which was the one given by Spijkerman. Although it is not visible on the illustration, he read ΝΥϹΑ Η ΚΑΙ [ ]Rosenberger similarly read 'ΝΥϹΑΝ..., perhaps for ΝΥϹΑ Η..., and ]ΟΠΟΛΙⳞ and ]ΘΟΠ[ are visible on the two pieces illustrated by Kindler. 5 IMJ Sofaer 8 7.26 20.4 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4830 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Year 103 AD 39/40 Æ (13 mm) Caligula ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΥ, ΓΡ (before) laureate head of Caligula, left ϹΚΥΘΟΠΟΛΕΙΤωΝ head of Dionysus with ivy wreath, right Barkay 8 Corr.: full reading of obv. and rev. legend. 2 IMJ Sofaer 9 2.71 16.3 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4831 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Year 115 AD 51/2 Æ (20 mm) Claudius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟϹ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate head of Claudius, right ΝΥϹΑΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ϹΚΥΘΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ, L ΕΙΡ (in field) Nike standing, left, with wreath and palm branch Spijkerman 2, Barkay 9 For the reading of the year as 115 rather than 105, see H. Seyrig, RN, 1964, p. 66. 6 IMJ Sofaer 10 8.84 21 1 GIC 123 (male head r.) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4832 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Year 115 AD 51/2 Æ (18 mm) L ΕΙΡ head of Dionysus wearing ivy wreath, right ΝΥϹΑΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ϹΚΥΘΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ inscription in wreath Spijkerman 3, Barkay 10 2 IMJ Y. Meshorer, IEJ 1976, 142 = Spijkerman, pl. 41.3 = Rosenberger 5 7 18 12 1 GIC 123 (male head r.) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4832 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Year 115 AD 51/2 Æ (18 mm) L ΕΙΡ head of Dionysus wearing ivy wreath, right ΝΥϹΑΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ϹΚΥΘΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ inscription in wreath Spijkerman 3, Barkay 10 3 IMJ Sofaer 1 5.24 20 1 GIC 123 (male head r.) on obv., thyrsus in front no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4833 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Year 115 AD 51/2 Æ (13 mm) three ears of corn ΝΥϹΑ Η ΚΑΙ ϹΚΥΘΟΠΟΛΙϹ, L ΕΙΡ Tyche standing, left, with ? and sceptre Barkay 11 The Sofaer coin confirms the dating and allows full reading of reverse legend. 2 IMJ Sofaer 2 3.47 14.7 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4834 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Year 130 AD 66/7 Æ (22 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒ[ ] laureate head of Nero, right ΝΥΣΑ, L ΡΛ Tyche standing, left, holding ?ears of corn and sceptre Spijkerman 4, Barkay 12 and 12 a–e 21 IMJ Sofaer 11 12.78 24.8 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4834 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Year 130 AD 66/7 Æ (22 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒ[ ] laureate head of Nero, right ΝΥΣΑ, L ΡΛ Tyche standing, left, holding ?ears of corn and sceptre Spijkerman 4, Barkay 12 and 12 a–e 22 IMJ Sofaer 12 9.68 23.7 1 GIC 555 (ΝΥΣΑ) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4834 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Year 130 AD 66/7 Æ (22 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒ[ ] laureate head of Nero, right ΝΥΣΑ, L ΡΛ Tyche standing, left, holding ?ears of corn and sceptre Spijkerman 4, Barkay 12 and 12 a–e 23 IMJ Sofaer 13 9.61 23.4 1 GIC 555 (ΝΥΣΑ) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4835 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Year 130 AD 66/7 Æ (17 mm) head of Dionysus wearing ivy wreath, left L ΡΛ shield and two spears; all within wreath Barkay 13 3 IMJ Y. Meshorer, IEJ 1976, 142 17 12 7 including 6.55. no no no [show] [edit]
I 4835 Syria Samaria Nysa-Scythopolis Year 130 AD 66/7 Æ (17 mm) head of Dionysus wearing ivy wreath, left L ΡΛ shield and two spears; all within wreath Barkay 13 11 IMJ Sofaer 3 5.94 19.6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4838 Syria Syria Canatha AD 49/50 Æ (18 mm) Claudius laureate head of Claudius, left; before, star ΚΑΝΑΤΗΝΩΝ ΒΙΡ veiled head of Tyche, left Spijkerman 3 The acrostolium behind the head, described by Spijkerman, seems rather to be the wreath ties. numbering incorrect in print volume after specimen 2. 14 IMJ Sofaer 1 5.25 18.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4842 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Æ (22 mm) Claudius TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IM P P laureate head of Claudius, left ANTONIA BRITANNICVS OCTAVIA the three children of Claudius standing, facing; Antonia and Claudia Octavia hold cornucopias A. Kindler, Ha'aretz Museum Yearbook 1983–4, p. 76, no. 6 seems to mention three examples from northern Israel. 11 IMJ Sofaer 83 10.63 21.5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4843 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Æ (19 mm) Claudius TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IM P P laureate head of Claudius, left BRITANNICVS AVG F bare head of Britannicus, right 9 IMJ Sofaer 84 6.61 18.1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4844 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Æ (13 mm) Britannicus BRITANNICVS AVG F bare head of Britannicus, right S C inscription in wreath 6 IMJ Sofaer 85 3.91 16.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4845 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Æ (18 mm) Agrippina I AGRIPPIN(A) AVG Agrippina seated, left, holding branch and cornucopia OCTAVIA AVGVSTI (or AVGOS) Claudia Octavia, veiled, standing left, holding patera over lighted altar 7 IMJ Sofaer 86 7.14 19.1 1 AGRIPPINA AVG/OCTAVIA AVGVSTI no no no [show] [edit]
I 4847 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Caesarea Paneas or Maritima? Æ (24 mm) Claudius C]LAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IM P P laureate head of Claudius, right rudder; in wreath BMC 2 The legend probably begins with TI; Hill read IMP, but IM seems to fit the traces of the letters better. 2 IMJ Sofaer 88 12.41 25.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4848 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Caesarea Paneas or Maritima? Æ (22 mm) Claudius TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IM P P laureate head of Claudius, right anchor; in wreath BMC 3 8 IMJ Sofaer 89 12.97 24.1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4849 Syria Galilaea Sepphoris Diocaesarea AD 67/8 Titus Flavius Vespasianus Æ (24 mm) ΕΠΙ ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΟΥ ΕΙΡΗΝΟΠΟΛΙ ΝΕΡΩΝΙΑϹ ϹΕΠΦΩΡ caduceus between two crossed cornucopias L ΔΙ ΝΕΡΩΝΟ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ inscription in wreath Meshorer 279, no. 8 16 IMJ Sofaer 173 12.3 25 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4850 Syria Galilaea Sepphoris Diocaesarea AD 67/8 Titus Flavius Vespasianus Æ (17 mm) ΕΠΙ ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΟΥ ΕΙΡΗΝΟΠΟΛΙ ΝΕΡΩΝΙΑϹ ϹΕΠΦΩΡ, S C L ΔΙ ΝΕΡΩΝΟ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ inscription in wreath Meshorer 279, no. 9 6 IMJ Sofaer 174 8.34 21.6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4851 Judaea Galilaea Tiberias AD 53/4 Æ (23 mm) ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ, L ΙΓ (in field) palm branch ΤΙΒΕΡΙΑΣ inscription in wreath Meshorer 279, no. 5 5 IMJ Sofaer 79 12.25 23.2 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4852 Judaea Galilaea Tiberias AD 53/4 Æ (18 mm) ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ, L ΙΓ (in field) palm branch ΤΙΒΕΡΙΑΣ inscription in wreath Meshorer 279, no. 6 5 IMJ Sofaer 80 7.51 19.6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4853 Judaea Galilaea Tiberias AD 53/4 Æ (13 mm) ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ, L ΙΓ (in field) palm branch ΤΙΒΕΡΙΑΣ inscription in wreath Meshorer 279, no. 7 3 IMJ Sofaer 81 2.86 16.4 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4853 Judaea Galilaea Tiberias AD 53/4 Æ (13 mm) ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ, L ΙΓ (in field) palm branch ΤΙΒΕΡΙΑΣ inscription in wreath Meshorer 279, no. 7 4 IMJ Sofaer 82 3.35 13.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4856 Judaea Syria Gaba AD 49/50 or 50/1 Æ (21 mm) Claudius laureate head of Claudius, right ΚΛΑΥΔΙΕΩΝ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΗΝΩΝ, ΙΡ L (in field) female figure seated, right, holding sceptre and branch 2 IMJ Meshorer, no. 96 = Rosenberger 8.1 21 12 1 ΚΛ[ ]Ν ΦΙΛΙΠΠΗΝΩΝ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4856 Judaea Syria Gaba AD 49/50 or 50/1 Æ (21 mm) Claudius laureate head of Claudius, right ΚΛΑΥΔΙΕΩΝ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΗΝΩΝ, ΙΡ L (in field) female figure seated, right, holding sceptre and branch 3 IMJ Sofaer 6 8.26 23.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4857 Judaea Syria Gaba AD 49/50 or 50/1 Æ (17 mm) Claudius [L] ΙΡ laureate head of Claudius, right ΓΑΒΗΝΩ[Ν ΦΙ]ΛΙΠΠΗΝΩΝ female figure seated, left, with sceptre and cornucopia 3 IMJ Sofaer 7 3.78 18.9 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4859 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima Æ (22 mm) Claudius [ ] ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ [ ] laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΓΡΙΠΠΕΙΝΗΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΣ Agrippina II, veiled, seated left, holding branch and cornucopia; above, crescent Presumably minted between 50 and 54. 1 IMJ 11.65 22 12 1 17444 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4860 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima c. 55 Æ (22 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕ draped bust of Nero, right ΑΓΡΙΠΠΕΙΝΗΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΣ Agrippina II, veiled, seated left, holding branch and cornucopia; above, crescent 24 IMJ Sofaer 90 11.23 24.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4860 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima c. 55 Æ (22 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕ draped bust of Nero, right ΑΓΡΙΠΠΕΙΝΗΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΣ Agrippina II, veiled, seated left, holding branch and cornucopia; above, crescent 25 IMJ Sofaer 91 10.31 23.9 1 GIC 727 (XF) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4861 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima c. 55 Æ (19 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ draped bust of Nero, left ΑΓΡΙΠΠΕΙΝΗΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΣ draped bust of Agrippina II, left Another specimen seems to be cited by A. Kindler, Ha'aretz Museum Yearbook 1983–4, no. 11, 4.75 g (Private collection, Cologne). 5 IMJ Sofaer 92 6 19.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4862 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Æ (23 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, right; in front, star ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙΑ Η ΠΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΛΙΜΕΝΙ, L ΙΔ (in field) figure, standing left, holding human bust and standard BMC 5 The legend(s) are sometimes retrograde; both letter forms Ϲ and W and Σ and Ω are used. Countermarks: XF (GIC 727); head, r. (GIC 115); ΚΑΙ (GIC 543) and ΚΟΒ (= 2 quadrantes; GIC 548). The cmk. LVS (GIC 597), not otherwise recorded for 4862, is discussed by D. Barag and S. Qedar, ‘A Countermark of the Legio Quinta Scytica from the Jewish War’, INJ 13 (1994-99), pp. 66-9. They discuss further the name of the legion (Scythica rather than Macedonica). 67 IMJ Sofaer 7 10.46 23.2 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4862 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Æ (23 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, right; in front, star ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙΑ Η ΠΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΛΙΜΕΝΙ, L ΙΔ (in field) figure, standing left, holding human bust and standard BMC 5 The legend(s) are sometimes retrograde; both letter forms Ϲ and W and Σ and Ω are used. Countermarks: XF (GIC 727); head, r. (GIC 115); ΚΑΙ (GIC 543) and ΚΟΒ (= 2 quadrantes; GIC 548). The cmk. LVS (GIC 597), not otherwise recorded for 4862, is discussed by D. Barag and S. Qedar, ‘A Countermark of the Legio Quinta Scytica from the Jewish War’, INJ 13 (1994-99), pp. 66-9. They discuss further the name of the legion (Scythica rather than Macedonica). 68 IMJ Sofaer 8 11.63 23.2 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4862 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Æ (23 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, right; in front, star ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙΑ Η ΠΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΛΙΜΕΝΙ, L ΙΔ (in field) figure, standing left, holding human bust and standard BMC 5 The legend(s) are sometimes retrograde; both letter forms Ϲ and W and Σ and Ω are used. Countermarks: XF (GIC 727); head, r. (GIC 115); ΚΑΙ (GIC 543) and ΚΟΒ (= 2 quadrantes; GIC 548). The cmk. LVS (GIC 597), not otherwise recorded for 4862, is discussed by D. Barag and S. Qedar, ‘A Countermark of the Legio Quinta Scytica from the Jewish War’, INJ 13 (1994-99), pp. 66-9. They discuss further the name of the legion (Scythica rather than Macedonica). 69 IMJ Sofaer 9 9.42 24.2 1 GIC 727 (XF) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4862 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Æ (23 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, right; in front, star ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙΑ Η ΠΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΛΙΜΕΝΙ, L ΙΔ (in field) figure, standing left, holding human bust and standard BMC 5 The legend(s) are sometimes retrograde; both letter forms Ϲ and W and Σ and Ω are used. Countermarks: XF (GIC 727); head, r. (GIC 115); ΚΑΙ (GIC 543) and ΚΟΒ (= 2 quadrantes; GIC 548). The cmk. LVS (GIC 597), not otherwise recorded for 4862, is discussed by D. Barag and S. Qedar, ‘A Countermark of the Legio Quinta Scytica from the Jewish War’, INJ 13 (1994-99), pp. 66-9. They discuss further the name of the legion (Scythica rather than Macedonica). 70 IMJ Sofaer 10 10.01 23.9 1 GIC 543 (ΚΑΙ); GIC 727 (XF) GIC 115 (laureate (?) head r. (on reverse)) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4862 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Æ (23 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, right; in front, star ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙΑ Η ΠΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΛΙΜΕΝΙ, L ΙΔ (in field) figure, standing left, holding human bust and standard BMC 5 The legend(s) are sometimes retrograde; both letter forms Ϲ and W and Σ and Ω are used. Countermarks: XF (GIC 727); head, r. (GIC 115); ΚΑΙ (GIC 543) and ΚΟΒ (= 2 quadrantes; GIC 548). The cmk. LVS (GIC 597), not otherwise recorded for 4862, is discussed by D. Barag and S. Qedar, ‘A Countermark of the Legio Quinta Scytica from the Jewish War’, INJ 13 (1994-99), pp. 66-9. They discuss further the name of the legion (Scythica rather than Macedonica). 71 IMJ Sofaer 11 9.88 23.2 1 GIC 543 (ΚΑΙ) GIC 115 (laureate (?) head r. (on reverse)) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4862 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Æ (23 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, right; in front, star ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙΑ Η ΠΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΛΙΜΕΝΙ, L ΙΔ (in field) figure, standing left, holding human bust and standard BMC 5 The legend(s) are sometimes retrograde; both letter forms Ϲ and W and Σ and Ω are used. Countermarks: XF (GIC 727); head, r. (GIC 115); ΚΑΙ (GIC 543) and ΚΟΒ (= 2 quadrantes; GIC 548). The cmk. LVS (GIC 597), not otherwise recorded for 4862, is discussed by D. Barag and S. Qedar, ‘A Countermark of the Legio Quinta Scytica from the Jewish War’, INJ 13 (1994-99), pp. 66-9. They discuss further the name of the legion (Scythica rather than Macedonica). 72 IMJ Sofaer 12 10.6 23.1 1 GIC 543 (ΚΑΙ); GIC — (uncertain) GIC 115 (laureate (?) head r. (on reverse)) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4862 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Æ (23 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, right; in front, star ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙΑ Η ΠΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΛΙΜΕΝΙ, L ΙΔ (in field) figure, standing left, holding human bust and standard BMC 5 The legend(s) are sometimes retrograde; both letter forms Ϲ and W and Σ and Ω are used. Countermarks: XF (GIC 727); head, r. (GIC 115); ΚΑΙ (GIC 543) and ΚΟΒ (= 2 quadrantes; GIC 548). The cmk. LVS (GIC 597), not otherwise recorded for 4862, is discussed by D. Barag and S. Qedar, ‘A Countermark of the Legio Quinta Scytica from the Jewish War’, INJ 13 (1994-99), pp. 66-9. They discuss further the name of the legion (Scythica rather than Macedonica). 73 IMJ Sofaer 13 11.63 23.3 1 GIC 596 (ITAL (?)); GIC 597 (LVS) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4862 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Æ (23 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, right; in front, star ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙΑ Η ΠΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΛΙΜΕΝΙ, L ΙΔ (in field) figure, standing left, holding human bust and standard BMC 5 The legend(s) are sometimes retrograde; both letter forms Ϲ and W and Σ and Ω are used. Countermarks: XF (GIC 727); head, r. (GIC 115); ΚΑΙ (GIC 543) and ΚΟΒ (= 2 quadrantes; GIC 548). The cmk. LVS (GIC 597), not otherwise recorded for 4862, is discussed by D. Barag and S. Qedar, ‘A Countermark of the Legio Quinta Scytica from the Jewish War’, INJ 13 (1994-99), pp. 66-9. They discuss further the name of the legion (Scythica rather than Macedonica). 74 IMJ Sofaer 14 9.92 23.2 1 GIC 575 (AV.C) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4862 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Æ (23 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, right; in front, star ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙΑ Η ΠΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΛΙΜΕΝΙ, L ΙΔ (in field) figure, standing left, holding human bust and standard BMC 5 The legend(s) are sometimes retrograde; both letter forms Ϲ and W and Σ and Ω are used. Countermarks: XF (GIC 727); head, r. (GIC 115); ΚΑΙ (GIC 543) and ΚΟΒ (= 2 quadrantes; GIC 548). The cmk. LVS (GIC 597), not otherwise recorded for 4862, is discussed by D. Barag and S. Qedar, ‘A Countermark of the Legio Quinta Scytica from the Jewish War’, INJ 13 (1994-99), pp. 66-9. They discuss further the name of the legion (Scythica rather than Macedonica). 75 IMJ Sofaer 15 9.3 22.7 1 GIC 543 (ΚΑΙ); GIC 548 (ΚΟΒ in rectangular punch) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4863 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Æ (19 mm) Nero ΝΕΡωΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ laureate head of Nero, right ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕωΝ L ΙΔ male figure, standing facing (head right), holding standard and human head BMC 30 The letter forms Ϲ, W, Σ and Ω all occur. 14 IMJ Sofaer 17 7.03 18.5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4863 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Æ (19 mm) Nero ΝΕΡωΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ laureate head of Nero, right ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕωΝ L ΙΔ male figure, standing facing (head right), holding standard and human head BMC 30 The letter forms Ϲ, W, Σ and Ω all occur. 15 IMJ Sofaer 18 5.58 19.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4865 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Titus Flavius Vespasianus Æ (21 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ϹΕΒ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ laureate head, right ΕΠΙ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕ(ΩΝ) L ΙΔ inscription in wreath BMC 34 For another issue naming Vespasian, see Sepphoris (4849–50). 5 IMJ Y. Meshorer, City Coinage of Eretz-Israel, p. 20, no. 24 21 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4865 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Titus Flavius Vespasianus Æ (21 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ϹΕΒ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ laureate head, right ΕΠΙ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕ(ΩΝ) L ΙΔ inscription in wreath BMC 34 For another issue naming Vespasian, see Sepphoris (4849–50). 6 IMJ Sofaer 16 12.26 23.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4866B Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 64 41/40 BC Æ (14 mm) male head, right; behind, trident ΑΣ, ΞΔ forepart of galley, left BMC 30 1 IMJ Sofaer 45 3.35 18.5 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4867B Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 57 48/47 BC Æ (16 mm) male head, right ΑΣ, ΝΖ forepart of galley, left 1 IMJ Sofaer 44 16.1 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4867A Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 65 40/39 BC Tetradrachm Cleopatra VII diademed bust of Cleopatra, right ΑΣΚΑΛΩΝΙΤΩΝ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, Ε/ΑΛ, L ΞΕ (to r.) eagle standing, left, on thunderbolt with palm over shoulder; to left, dove 2 IMJ 15392 Cat. no. 95 and Pl. 20, 95 12.42 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4869 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 74 31/30 BC Æ (21 mm) bearded head, right ΑΣ ΔΟ eagle standing, left, with palm over shoulder; to left, dove BMC 16 2 IMJ Sofaer 33 11.15 23.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4869 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 74 31/30 BC Æ (21 mm) bearded head, right ΑΣ ΔΟ eagle standing, left, with palm over shoulder; to left, dove BMC 16 3 IMJ Sofaer 34 11.01 21.8 1 crude style and lettering no no no [show] [edit]
I 4871 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 79 26/25 BC Æ (22 mm) veiled bust of Tyche, right ΑΣ ΘΟ Tyche standing, left, with rudder; to left, dove BMC 17 2 IMJ Sofaer 54 10.11 24.1 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4873 Syria Judaea Ascalon Reign of Augustus (?) Æ (14 mm) male head, right ΑΣ prow, left BMC 36 6 IMJ Sofaer 47 2.54 14 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4874A Syria Judaea Ascalon Reign of Augustus (?) Æ (13 mm) bearded male head, right ΑΣ crossed cornucopias; between, corn ear 1 IMJ Sofaer 46 2.2 13.3 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4874 Syria Judaea Ascalon Reign of Augustus (?) Æ (11 mm) male head, right ΑϹ winged caduceus BMC 39 5 IMJ Sofaer 50 3.25 14.1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4876A Syria Judaea Ascalon Reign of Augustus (?) Æ (13 mm) male head, right ΑΣ crossed cornucopias; between, caduceus 1 IMJ Sofaer 48 1.9 11.9 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4876 Syria Judaea Ascalon Reign of Augustus (?) Æ (13 mm) male head, right ΑΣ crossed cornucopias; between, uncertain object (perhaps another cornucopia?) BMC 42 10 IMJ Sofaer 49 1.76 12.4 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4880 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 119 AD 15/16 Æ (23 mm) Tiberius Ϲ bare head of Tiberius, right ΑΣ L ΘΙΡ Tyche-Astarte standing, left, on prow holding sceptre and aplustre; to left, dove 4 IMJ Sofaer 55 10.27 23.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4881A Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 130 AD 26/7 Æ (23 mm) Tiberius Σ-Ε bare head of Tiberius, right ΑΣ L ΛΡ Tyche-Astarte standing, left, on prow holding sceptre and aplustre; to left, dove 1 IMJ Sofaer 57 8.67 23.3 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4881B Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 135 AD 31/2 Æ (23 mm) Tiberius Σ-Ε bare head of Tiberius, right ΑΣ L ΕΛΡ Tyche-Astarte standing, left, on prow holding sceptre and aplustre; to left, dove 1 IMJ Sofaer 58 11.07 22 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4881 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 127 AD 23/4 Æ (23 mm) Tiberius Σ Ε bare head of Tiberius, right ΑΣ L ΖΚΡ Tyche-Astarte standing, left, on prow holding sceptre and aplustre; to left, dove 3 IMJ Sofaer 56 10.47 23.9 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4883 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 143 AD 39/40 Æ (23 mm) Caligula ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Caligula, left ΑΣΚΑΛΩ, ΓΜΡ (to r.) Tyche-Astarte standing, left, on prow holding sceptre and aplustre; to left, altar; to right dove BMC 82 The date is clear on specimens 2 and 5. 6 IMJ Sofaer 59 11.05 24.3 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4883 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 143 AD 39/40 Æ (23 mm) Caligula ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Caligula, left ΑΣΚΑΛΩ, ΓΜΡ (to r.) Tyche-Astarte standing, left, on prow holding sceptre and aplustre; to left, altar; to right dove BMC 82 The date is clear on specimens 2 and 5. 7 IMJ Sofaer 60 10.91 23.5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4883 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 143 AD 39/40 Æ (23 mm) Caligula ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Caligula, left ΑΣΚΑΛΩ, ΓΜΡ (to r.) Tyche-Astarte standing, left, on prow holding sceptre and aplustre; to left, altar; to right dove BMC 82 The date is clear on specimens 2 and 5. 8 IMJ Sofaer 61 12.61 24 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4884 Syria Judaea Ascalon Æ (19 mm) Caligula Σ Ε laureate head of Caligula, left Α Σ Phanebal, standing facing, holding harpa and shield BMC 75 Attributed to Augustus by BMC because the E of the obv. legend was misread (on its side) as L ΙΡ. The portraits of Augustus and Tiberius are usually bare-headed, and the left-facing head also suggests a later date. Probably Caligula? 7 IMJ Sofaer 62 6.57 20.3 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4885 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 146 AD 42/3 Æ (23 mm) Claudius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΚΑΛΩ, ϚΜΡ (to. r.) Tyche-Astarte standing, left, on prow holding sceptre and aplustre; to left, altar; to right dove BMC 83 6 IMJ Sofaer 64 11.05 23.6 1 GIC 143 (bare male head r.) no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4886 Syria Judaea Ascalon Æ (19 mm) Claudius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius?, right Α Σ Phanebal, standing facing, holding harpa and shield BMC 78 Probably to be attributed to Claudius, as he is the only emperor with a right-facing laureate head and no altar on the obv. (issue of year ϚΜΡ); a similar countermark also appears on Claudian coins. 4 IMJ Sofaer 63 3.67 16.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4886 Syria Judaea Ascalon Æ (19 mm) Claudius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius?, right Α Σ Phanebal, standing facing, holding harpa and shield BMC 78 Probably to be attributed to Claudius, as he is the only emperor with a right-facing laureate head and no altar on the obv. (issue of year ϚΜΡ); a similar countermark also appears on Claudian coins. 5 IMJ Sofaer 51, as Augustus? 6.8 19 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4886 Syria Judaea Ascalon Æ (19 mm) Claudius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius?, right Α Σ Phanebal, standing facing, holding harpa and shield BMC 78 Probably to be attributed to Claudius, as he is the only emperor with a right-facing laureate head and no altar on the obv. (issue of year ϚΜΡ); a similar countermark also appears on Claudian coins. 6 IMJ Sofaer 52, as Augustus? 6.7 27.4 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4887 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 156 AD 52/3 Æ (23 mm) Claudius ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate head of Claudius, l; to left, altar ΑϹΚΑΛΩ, ϚΝΡ Β (to r.) Tyche-Astarte standing, left, on prow holding sceptre and aplustre; to left, altar; to right, dove BMC 84 There is no ΒΡ on (at least) coins 2 and 8. According to M. Robinson, "the date seems to be written either as ϚNP, ϚNP/B, or ϚN/BP. The latter two presumably indicate year 156 second half. No coin appears to have two P's as implied in the description". 16 IMJ Sofaer 65 12.66 26.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4887 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 156 AD 52/3 Æ (23 mm) Claudius ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate head of Claudius, l; to left, altar ΑϹΚΑΛΩ, ϚΝΡ Β (to r.) Tyche-Astarte standing, left, on prow holding sceptre and aplustre; to left, altar; to right, dove BMC 84 There is no ΒΡ on (at least) coins 2 and 8. According to M. Robinson, "the date seems to be written either as ϚNP, ϚNP/B, or ϚN/BP. The latter two presumably indicate year 156 second half. No coin appears to have two P's as implied in the description". 17 IMJ Sofaer 66 14.06 25.3 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4888 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 162 AD 58/9 Æ (24 mm) Nero ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, left; to left, altar ΑΣΚΑΛΩ, ΒΞΡ (to r.) Tyche-Astarte standing, left, on prow holding sceptre and aplustre; to left, altar; to right dove BMC 88, Cop 32 23 IMJ Sofaer 67 14.21 23.2 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4890 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 171 AD 67/8 Æ (24 mm) Nero ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, left; to left, altar ΑΣΚΑΛΩ, ΑΟΡ (to r.) Tyche-Astarte standing, left, on prow holding standard and aplustre; to right, dove 8 IMJ Sofaer 69 12.43 26 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4891 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 171 AD 67/8 Æ Nero ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, right; to right, altar ΑΣΚΑΛΩ, ΑΟΡ (to r.) Tyche-Astarte standing, left, on prow holding sceptre and aplustre; to left, altar; to right dove BMC 93 14 IMJ Sofaer 68 12.08 24.1 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4892 Syria Judaea Ascalon Year 171 AD 67/8 Æ (19 mm) Nero Σ-Ε laureate head of Nero, right; to right, altar Α-Σ, ΑΟΡ (to r.) Phanebal standing facing, holding harpa and shield with palm BMC 100 5 IMJ Sofaer 70 5.81 17.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4894 Syria Judaea Gaza Year 66 AD 5/6 Æ (20 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙ bare head of Augustus, right L ΞϚ ΓΑ, 𐤌 Tyche standing, left, with branch and two ears of corn BMC 10 17 IMJ Sofaer 44 9.74 27.6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4895 Syria Judaea Gaza Year 66 AD 5/6 Æ (18 mm) Γ-Α draped bust of Tyche, right L ΞϚ, 𐤌 (to r.) ear of corn 4 IMJ Sofaer 43 6.33 19.7 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4896 Syria Judaea Gaza Æ (12 mm) Augustus bare head of Augustus, right Γ-Α altar For a possible smaller denomination (club rev.), see Schulten (22.4.1985), lot 33, 1.90 3 IMJ Sofaer 45 3.91 15.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4938 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 5 AD 1/2 Æ (22 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΥ bare head of Augustus, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L Ε (in field) bare head of Philip, right Meshorer 1 corr. 7 IMJ Sofaer 117 8.99 23.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4940 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 12 AD 8/9 Æ (21 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΩ laureate head of Augustus, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΙΒ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 3 5 IMJ Sofaer 118 8.37 22.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4940 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 12 AD 8/9 Æ (21 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΩ laureate head of Augustus, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΙΒ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 3 6 IMJ Sofaer 119 9.57 21 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4940 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 12 AD 8/9 Æ (21 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΩ laureate head of Augustus, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΙΒ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 3 7 IMJ Sofaer 120 6.4 20.3 1 GIC 457i (star of six rays (on obverse)) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4940 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 12 AD 8/9 Æ (21 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΩ laureate head of Augustus, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΙΒ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 3 8 IMJ Sofaer 121 4.99 17.5 1 GIC 457i (star of six rays (on obverse)) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4941 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 12 AD 8/9 Æ (19 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΩ bare head of Augustus, left ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡ, L ΙΒ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 4 9 IMJ Sofaer 122 6.35 20 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4941 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 12 AD 8/9 Æ (19 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΩ bare head of Augustus, left ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡ, L ΙΒ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 4 10 IMJ Sofaer 123 4.97 18.2 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4941 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 12 AD 8/9 Æ (19 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΩ bare head of Augustus, left ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡ, L ΙΒ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 4 11 IMJ Sofaer 124 6.39 18.5 1 retrograde date no no no [show] [edit]
I 4941 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 12 AD 8/9 Æ (19 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΩ bare head of Augustus, left ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡ, L ΙΒ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 4 12 IMJ Sofaer 125 4.92 18.9 1 retrograde date no no no [show] [edit]
I 4942 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 16 AD 12/13 Æ (19 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΩ bare head of Augustus, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΙϚ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 5 6 IMJ Sofaer 126 6.15 18.6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4942 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 16 AD 12/13 Æ (19 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΩ bare head of Augustus, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΙϚ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 5 7 IMJ Sofaer 127 6.88 19.5 1 GIC 457i (star of six rays (on obverse)) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4943 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 19 AD 15/16 Æ (18 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣ laureate head of Tiberius, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΙΘ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 7 Confirmation of obv. inscription required 6 IMJ Sofaer 130 5.02 20.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4943 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 19 AD 15/16 Æ (18 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣ laureate head of Tiberius, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΙΘ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 7 Confirmation of obv. inscription required 7 IMJ Sofaer 131 6.01 18.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4943 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 19 AD 15/16 Æ (18 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣ laureate head of Tiberius, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΙΘ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 7 Confirmation of obv. inscription required 8 IMJ Sofaer 132 6.38 18.1 1 GIC 457i (star of six rays (on obverse)) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4943 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 19 AD 15/16 Æ (18 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣ laureate head of Tiberius, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΙΘ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 7 Confirmation of obv. inscription required 9 IMJ Sofaer 133 5.33 19.7 1 GIC 457ii (star of six (thick) spokes) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4943 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 19 AD 15/16 Æ (18 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣ laureate head of Tiberius, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΙΘ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 7 Confirmation of obv. inscription required 10 IMJ Sofaer 134 5.04 19.1 1 GIC 690 (Φ) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4943 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 19 AD 15/16 Æ (18 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣ laureate head of Tiberius, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΙΘ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 7 Confirmation of obv. inscription required 11 IMJ Sofaer 135 19.9 1 GIC 690 (Φ) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4944 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 30 AD 26/7 Æ (18 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ bare head of Tiberius, right; before, laurel branch ΕΠΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L Λ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 8 3 IMJ Sofaer 136 7.3 18.4 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4944 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 30 AD 26/7 Æ (18 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ bare head of Tiberius, right; before, laurel branch ΕΠΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L Λ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 8 4 IMJ Sofaer 137 8.25 20.7 1 obv. with ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ only no no no [show] [edit]
I 4945 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 30 AD 26/7 Æ (15 mm) Tiberius laureate head of Tiberius, right ΕΠΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L Λ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 9 4 IMJ Sofaer 138 3.67 14.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4947 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 33 AD 29/30 Æ (18 mm) Tiberius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ laureate head of Tiberius, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, L ΛΓ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 10 The style of this variety without a laurel branch seems rather different from RPC I, 4946, and to break thestylistic sequence from year 30 to 37; the explanation for this is not clear(different mint? imitation?). 4 IMJ Sofaer 139 7.87 18.2 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4948 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 34 AD 30/1 Æ (18 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ bare head of Tiberius, right; before, laurel branch ΕΠΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΤΙΣ, LΛΔ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 11 For ΚΤΙΣ(της), see introduction. 4 IMJ Sofaer 140 5.35 17.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4949 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 34 AD 30/1 Æ (15 mm) Livia ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ draped bust of Livia, right ΚΑΡΠΟΦΟΡΟΣ, L ΛΔ (in field) hand holding three ears of corn Meshorer 278, no.1 The epithet on the rev. would be suitable for Livia, butthe type seems to refer to Paneas (see RPC I, 4975, 4992). J. Maltiel-Gerstenfeld,New Catalogue of Ancient Jewish Coins, no. 132, reads another piece as 'year37', but this is not clear from the illustration. 5 IMJ Sofaer 141 3.16 15.9 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4949 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 34 AD 30/1 Æ (15 mm) Livia ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ draped bust of Livia, right ΚΑΡΠΟΦΟΡΟΣ, L ΛΔ (in field) hand holding three ears of corn Meshorer 278, no.1 The epithet on the rev. would be suitable for Livia, butthe type seems to refer to Paneas (see RPC I, 4975, 4992). J. Maltiel-Gerstenfeld,New Catalogue of Ancient Jewish Coins, no. 132, reads another piece as 'year37', but this is not clear from the illustration. 6 IMJ Sofaer 142 3.72 15.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4950 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 34 AD 30/1 Æ (10 mm) Philip, son of Herod ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ bare head of Philip, right L ΛΔ in wreath Meshorer 12 3 IMJ Sofaer 143 1.98 12.1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4951 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Tiberius (?) and Livia, undated, c. 30 Æ (22 mm) Livia ; Tiberius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩΝ jugate heads of laureate Tiberius (?) and Livia, right ΕΠΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ temple with four columns enclosing circular object Meshorer 6 The object in the templewas previously interpreted as Φ =year 9, but see Meshorer, pp. 44-5. Itlooks like a shield. Meshorer observes that, as Livia is called Sebaste, thedate of the coin must be after AD 14; he also points out that ΕΠΙ is notused on Philip's coinage until year 30 = AD 26/7, so the coin shouldperhaps date no earlier than that year. Livia appears on the coinage ofyear 34 = AD 30/1 (RPC I, 4949), and this coin should perhaps date to the sametime. In view of the date, the male portrait should probably be interpreted as that of Tiberius. // Corr.: full reading of obv. legend. 8 IMJ Sofaer 128 11.07 23.4 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4951 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Tiberius (?) and Livia, undated, c. 30 Æ (22 mm) Livia ; Tiberius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩΝ jugate heads of laureate Tiberius (?) and Livia, right ΕΠΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ temple with four columns enclosing circular object Meshorer 6 The object in the templewas previously interpreted as Φ =year 9, but see Meshorer, pp. 44-5. Itlooks like a shield. Meshorer observes that, as Livia is called Sebaste, thedate of the coin must be after AD 14; he also points out that ΕΠΙ is notused on Philip's coinage until year 30 = AD 26/7, so the coin shouldperhaps date no earlier than that year. Livia appears on the coinage ofyear 34 = AD 30/1 (RPC I, 4949), and this coin should perhaps date to the sametime. In view of the date, the male portrait should probably be interpreted as that of Tiberius. // Corr.: full reading of obv. legend. 9 IMJ Sofaer 129 10.33 24.3 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4952A Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 37 AD 33/4 Æ (15 mm) Livia ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ draped bust of Livia, right ΚΑΡΠΟΦΟΡΟΣ, L ΛΖ (in field) hand holding three ears of corn Meshorer, Addendum 2 IMJ Sofaer 145 3.35 14.7 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4952 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 37 AD 33/4 Æ (18 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ bare head of Tiberius, right; in front, laurel branch; below, thunderbolt ΕΠΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, LΛΖ (in field) temple with four columns Meshorer 109 5 IMJ Sofaer 144 6.33 18 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4953 Judaea Syria Caesarea Paneas Year 37 AD 33/4 Æ (10 mm) Philip, son of Herod ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ bare head of Philip, right LΛΖ in wreath Meshorer 13 4 IMJ Sofaer 146 1.55 11.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4954 Judaea Judaea Jerusalem Year 36 AD 6 Æ Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ ear of barley L ΛϚ palm tree Meshorer 1 Date should be AD 6, not 6 BC. N. Kokkinos, ‘The prefects of Judaea 6-48 CE and coins from the Misty period 6-36 CE’, in D. M. Jacobson and N. Kokkinos (eds), Judaea and Rome in Coins (London, 2012), pp. 85-122, at 90-93, has discussed several candidates of coins of Augustus that might be dated to the year ΛΓ (33). If correctly read, the coins open up the question of the era used on the procuratorial coins. 4 IMJ Sofaer 1 1.48 16.3 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4954 Judaea Judaea Jerusalem Year 36 AD 6 Æ Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ ear of barley L ΛϚ palm tree Meshorer 1 Date should be AD 6, not 6 BC. N. Kokkinos, ‘The prefects of Judaea 6-48 CE and coins from the Misty period 6-36 CE’, in D. M. Jacobson and N. Kokkinos (eds), Judaea and Rome in Coins (London, 2012), pp. 85-122, at 90-93, has discussed several candidates of coins of Augustus that might be dated to the year ΛΓ (33). If correctly read, the coins open up the question of the era used on the procuratorial coins. 5 IMJ Sofaer 2 1.16 15.2 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4955 Judaea Judaea Jerusalem Year 39 AD 9 Æ Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ ear of barley L ΛΘ palm tree Meshorer 2 3 IMJ Sofaer 3 2.34 16.6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4955 Judaea Judaea Jerusalem Year 39 AD 9 Æ Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ ear of barley L ΛΘ palm tree Meshorer 2 4 IMJ Sofaer 4 2.63 18.5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4955 Judaea Judaea Jerusalem Year 39 AD 9 Æ Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ ear of barley L ΛΘ palm tree Meshorer 2 5 IMJ Sofaer 5 2.17 17.1 11 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4956 Judaea Judaea Jerusalem Year 40 AD 10 Æ Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ ear of barley L Μ palm tree Meshorer 3 3 IMJ Sofaer 6 2.01 18 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4957 Judaea Judaea Jerusalem Year 41 AD 11 Æ Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ ear of barley L ΜΑ palm tree Meshorer 4 4 IMJ Sofaer 7 2.28 16.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4957 Judaea Judaea Jerusalem Year 41 AD 11 Æ Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ ear of barley L ΜΑ palm tree Meshorer 4 5 IMJ Sofaer 8 2.13 17.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4958 Judaea Judaea Jerusalem Year 2 AD 15 Æ Tiberius ΚΑΙϹΑΡ in wreath ΤΙΒ LΒ crossed cornucopias Meshorer 6 3 IMJ Sofaer 9 2.18 17.3 1 no no no [show] [edit]