Province Egypt
City Alexandria 
Region Egypt
Reign Trajan
Obverse inscription ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ (?)
Obverse design laureate bust of Trajan, right, draped and cuirassed, seen from rear
Reverse inscription L ΙΕ
Reverse design Isis Pharia standing, right, holding sceptre; to right, female figure (Isis?) standing, left, holding sceptre; between, dolphin

Coin no. 1 of RPC III, 4619.1


Museum American Numismatic Society, New York (USA)
Inventory no. 1944.100.56301
Diameter 33.4
Weight 14.87
Axis 12
Note no dolphin?
External URI