Province Syria Coele
City Laodicea ad Mare 
Region Syria
Reign Elagabalus
Obverse inscription IMP C M AVR ANTONINVS AVG
Obverse design radiate head of Elagabalus, right, with drapery
Reverse inscription LAVDICEON (sic) Δ Ε
Reverse design Heracles standing nude, right, and Dionysus standing nude, left, wrestling with each other; behind Heracles, club; behind Dionysus, thyrsus (?)


Reference Nomos 32, 8 June 2024, lot 111 = Gorny & Mosch 67, 2 May 1994, 666
Diameter 21.5
Weight 4.37
Axis 1
External URI|5892|111|80a84cec4d0aae7b43cbcb41ee935547