Province Cilicia
City Selinus-Traianopolis 
Region Cilicia
Reign Antiochus IV of Commagene
Obverse inscription ΙΩΤΑΠΗ ΒΑϹΙΛΙϹϹΑ
Obverse design draped and diademed bust of Iotape, right
Reverse inscription ϹΕΛΙΝΟΥϹΙΩΝ
Reverse design Artemis standing, right, with bow, and drawing arrow from quiver; to right, stag

Coin no. 17 of RPC I, 3702


Reference Roma Numismatics EA 114, 23 Nov. 2023, lot 456
Diameter 18.4
Weight 4.86
Axis 1
External URI|5591|456|bd80b367eee5888425bf9378a1e27628 
Addition Additional coin (post publication)