Province Egypt
City Alexandria 
Region Egypt
Reign Trajan
Obverse inscription [ ]
Obverse design uncertain laureate bust of Trajan, right
Reverse inscription L ΙΗ
Reverse design Emperor (Trajan), laureate-headed, in military dress, standing, left, holding patera and sceptre; to right, Alexandria (?) standing, left, holding sceptre

Coin no. 4 of RPC III, 4861.2


Museum Institut für Altertumskunde, Universität zu Köln (Germany)
Inventory no.
Reference Geissen 672
Diameter 34
Weight 13.70
Axis 12
Note Geissen suggests the coin has inscription without ΑΡΙ. However this bust type is as yet unattested for the part of the year before the adoption of Optimus; one can read ]ΓƐΡΜ[ after the break in the inscription which would normally indicate an inscription without Optimus
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