Province Egypt
City Alexandria 
Region Egypt
Reign Marcus Aurelius
Obverse inscription Λ ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ Ο[ΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ]ΕΒ
Obverse design laureate head of Lucius Verus with traces of drapery, left
Reverse inscription ϹΗΜΑϹΙΑ L Ϛ
Reverse design Semasia (or Alexandria), wearing elephant's-head cap, galloping, left, holding palm-branch

Coin no. 3 of RPC IV.4, 2946


Reference D 3781 = Naville Numismatics 54, 15 Dec. 2019, lot 330
Diameter 33.6
Weight 25.63
External URI|3388|330|bd692d234d8544cec3226b677c8ea029