Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Ephesus
City Ephesus 
Region Ionia
Reign Valerian and Gallienus
Obverse inscription ϹΑΛ(ΩΝ) ΧΡΥϹΟΓΟΝΗ ϹΕ(Β)
Obverse design draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right
Reverse inscription ΕΦΕϹΙΩΝ Α ΑϹΙΑϹ
Reverse design Artemis huntress running right, holding bow in front and with billowing drapery; at feet, hound right


Museum Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)
Inventory no. 1109.1
Diameter 24
Weight 6.08
Axis 6
Note ϹΑΛ
External URI