Province Achaea
City Corinth 
Region Corinthia
Reign Marcus Aurelius
Obverse inscription [IMP?] CAES M AVRE[LIO?] ANTONINVS AVG [P M]
Obverse design laureate head of Marcus Aurelius with traces of drapery, right
Reverse inscription C L I COR
Reverse design to left, cult statue of Venus/Aphrodite of Acrocorinthus standing, left, holding Mars/Ares' shield before her as mirror; to right, cult statue of Diana/Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports


Museum Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna (Austria)
Inventory no. GR 13707, under 'Lucius Verus', authenticity doubtful: cast?
Diameter 27
Weight 12.82
Axis 10