Province Galatia
City Iconium 
Region Lycaonia
Reign Gordian III
Obverse inscription IMP CAES M AT (sic) GORDIANVS AVG
Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription COL AEL HADR ICONIESI, S R
Reverse design to left, female figure seated left, on round shield, in attitude of mourning; in the centre, palm tree; to right, bound captive standing right, leaning against tree; below, harpa of Perseus

Coin no. 1 of RPC VII.2, 2769


Reference CNG, Triton 15, 3 Jan. 2012, lot 1416 = NAC 59, 4 Apr. 2011, lot 1104
Diameter 34
Weight 17.72
Axis 6
External URI|823|1416|2c32dca2297d2c384c833a3d17c485e0