Province Galatia
City Antioch 
Region Pisidia
Reign Gordian III
Obverse inscription IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG
Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription ANTIOCHIA, S R
Reverse design Gordian III riding on quadriga, advancing left, holding branch and sceptre surmounted by eagle, crowned by Victory standing behind him; in front of the quadriga, soldier standing right, holding spear, and two other soldiers in the background, holding spear

Coin no. 12 of RPC VII.2, 2710


Reference CNG MBS 69, 8 June 2005, lot 1039 CNG 51, 15 Sept. 1999, lot 920
Diameter 32
Weight 24.01
Axis 7
External URI|111|1039|da04762eb0c15088e2a13703d0e15388