RPC III, 452


Image of specimen #46


Coin type
Volume III
Number 452
Province Achaea
Region Thessaly
City Koinon of Thessaly
Reign Hadrian
Person (obv.) Hadrian (Augustus)
Magistrate Ulpius Nikomachos (strategos)
Edition Ἁδριανὸν Καίσαρα Θεσσαλοί
Translation the Thessalians (honour) Hadrian Caesar
Obverse design laureate head of Hadrian, right, with small aegis on left shoulder
Reverse inscription ϹΤΡΑ ΟΥΛ ΝΙΚΟΜΑΧΟΥ
Edition στρα(τηγοῦ) Οὐλ(πίου) Νικομάχου
Translation of the strategos Ulpius Nicomachus
Reverse design Athena standing, right, brandishing spear in right hand and holding shield with left
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 21 mm
Average weight 4.67 g
Axis 6
Specimens 48 (1 in the core collections)
Correction Corrected coin-type (post publication)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     P: 100 Burrer 108/1 (A6)
2 2     BCD (A6)
3 3     BCD (A7)
4 4     BCD (A7)
5 5     BCD (A7)
6 6     BCD (A10)
7 7     BCD (A10)
8 8     BCD (A10)
9 9     BCD (A12)
10 10     BCD (A12)
11 11     BCD (A20)
12 12     BCD (A20)
13 13     BCD (A20)
14 14     BCD (A22)
15 15     BCD (A22)
16 16     BCD (A22)
17 17     BCD (A22)
18 18     BCD (A22)
19 19     BCD (A22)
20 20     BCD (A22)
21 21     BCD (A22) = C. Jackson-Jacobs coll. = Triton XV, BCD coll., 3 Jan. 2012, lot 952.2 (corr., this specimen not published in Burrer).
22 22     BCD (A22a)
23 23     BCD (A22a)
24 24     BCD (A22a)
25 25     BCD (A25)
26 26     BCD (A25)
27 27     BCD (A25)
28 28     BCD (A25)
29 29     BCD (A25)
30 30     BCD (A25)
31 31     BCD (A25)
32 32     BCD (A25)
33 33     BCD (A25)
34 34     BCD (A25)
35 35     BCD (A25)
36 36     BCD (A25)
37 37     BCD (A25)
38 38     BCD (A25)
39 39     BCD (A27)
40 40     BCD (A27)
41 41     BCD (A27)
42 42     BCD (A27)
43 43     BCD (A27)
44 44     BCD (A28)
45 45     BCD (A28)
46 46     ✸ CNG Triton XXIV, 19 Jan. 2021, lot 895 (ex Triton XV, BCD coll., 3 Jan. 2012), lot 952.5)
47 47     Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 41, 2 Dec. 2017, lot 457
48 48     Pecunem 16, 4 May 2014, lot 679