RPC VI, 8857 (temporary)


Image of specimen #2


Coin type
Volume VI
Number 8857 (temporary)
Province Syria Palaestina
Region Samaria
City Caesarea Maritima
Reign Severus Alexander
Person (obv.) Severus Alexander (Augustus)
Obverse inscription IM C SE(?) ALEXAND
Edition Im(perator) C(aesar) Se(verus) Alexand(er)
Translation Emperor Caesar Severus Alexander
Obverse design laureate head of Severus Alexander, right
Reverse inscription CL (sic?) F P METROPOLI(?), S P Q R
Edition c<o>l(onia) F(lavia) metropoli(s) p(rovinciae?) s(enatus) p(opulus)q(ue) R(omanus)
Translation the colony Flavia, metropolis of the province(?), the senate and people of Rome
Reverse design eagle facing, head left, spreading wings and holding wreath
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 21 mm
Average weight 6.72 g
Axis 6, 7
Reference SNG ANS 813–4
Specimens 4 (4 in the core collections)
Note Rough style

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1908,0110.1562 BMC 130
2 2     ✸ C: 593-1948
3 3     NY: 1944.100.68968 SNG 813
4 4     NY: 1944.100.68969 SNG 814