RPC I, 1434


Image of specimen #18


Coin type
Volume I
Number 1434
Province Achaea
Region Thessaly
City Koinon of Thessaly
Reign Claudius
Person (obv.) Livia (Augusta)
Magistrate Antigonos (strategos)
Obverse inscription ΘΕΣΣΑΛΩΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΩΝ
Edition Θεσσαλῶν Σεβαστήων
Translation of the Augustan Thessalians
Obverse design veiled bust (of Livia?), left
Reverse inscription ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΟΥ
Edition στρατηγοῦ Ἀντιγόνου
Translation of the strategos Antigonos
Reverse design nymph Larisa standing, left, holding a ball, monogram in field
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 24 mm
Average weight 10.38 g
Axis 6, 7, 12
Reference Rogers 71 = Moustaka 127, Cop 335, Burrer Em 1, p. 134–6, 29–41 (series 2)
Specimens 18 (12 in the core collections)
Note Considered as from the reign of Claudius in Burrer, but Tiberius in RPC I.
Correction Corrected coin-type (post publication)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     O
2 2     L: 1888,0613.1
3 3     L: 1933,0214.180
4 4     Cop SNG 335
5 5     P: 89
6 6     B: I-B
7 7     B: Löbb.
8 8     B: Löbb.
9 9     B: Löbb.
11 11     C: Leake 4899
12 12     Mu: 25a
13 13     V: GR 11028
14 14     A Moustaka, pl. XIII, 127
16 16     Münster: 672
17 17     CNG EA 383, 28 Sept. 2016, lot 385 = Burrer Em. 1, 36.1 corr. (A11/R30) = BCD coll.
18 18     ✸ CNG Triton XV, 3 Jan. 2012, lot 925
19 19     CGT coll.
20 20     Savoca Silver 143rd, 18 Sep. 2022, lot 165