RPC I, 470


Image of specimen #24


Coin type
Volume I
Number 470
Province Tarraconensis
Region Hispania
City Segobriga
Reign Augustus
Person (obv.) Augustus
Obverse inscription
Obverse design bare head of Augustus, right; behind, palm; in front, dolphin
Reverse inscription SEGOBRIGA
Edition Segobriga
Translation Segobriga
Reverse design horseman with spear, right
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 26 mm
Average weight 9.70 g
Reference Vives 135–3, NAH 886, GMI 724
Specimens 24 (7 in the core collections)
Note See now P.P. Ripollès and J.M. Abascal, Las Monedas de la Ciudad Romana de Segobriga (Saelices, Cuenca) (Barcelona/Madrid, 1996). From a fragment of pedestal, dated to 15 BC, in which an unknown decretum decurionum is recorded, J. M. Abascal, R. Cebrián and M. Trunk, La decoración arquitectónica en las ciudades romanas de Occidente, S. F. Ramallo (ed.), Murcia, 2004, pp. 219-220, suggest Segobriga was already then a municipium of Latin right.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ANE 23–24/10/1984, 249
2 2     Ba: 4607
3 3     Ba: 15020
4 4     Ba: 109216
5 5     Bologna: 303
6 6     Calicó 6/1979, 1155
7 7     Cop SNG 626
8 8     L: 1045
9 9     MSV 17/12/1981, 1200 = Vives 135–3
10 10     Mu: 162
11 11     P: 740
12 12     Vat: 474
13 13     Madrid: 12563
14 14     Madrid: 12564
15 15     Madrid: 12565
16 16     Madrid: 12566
17 17     Madrid: 12567
18 18     Madrid: 12568
19 19     Madrid: Sastre 6581
20 20     B: Bohl
21 21     B: 17475
22 22     B: Dannenberg
23 23     IVDJ formerly S de C 1786
24 24     ✸ Vico 159, Cores coll., 20 July 2021, lot 169