RPC I, 279


Image of specimen #5


Coin type
Volume I
Number 279
Province Tarraconensis
Region Hispania
City Lepida-Celsa
Reign Tiberius
Person (obv.) Tiberius (Augustus)
Magistrate Baggius Fronto (duovir for the second time) ; Gnaeus Bucco (duovir for the second time)
Obverse inscription TI CAESAR AVGVSTVS
Edition Ti(berius) Caesar Augustus
Translation Tiberius Caesar Augustus
Obverse design laureate head of Tiberius, right
Reverse inscription C V I CEL BAGG FRO(N)(T) CN BVCCO IIVIR II
Edition c(olonia) v(ictrix) I(ulia) Cel(sa) Bagg(ius) Fron(to) Cn(aeus) Bucco IIvir(duovir) II
Translation the victorious Julian colony of Celsa, Baggius Fronto, Gnaeus Bucco, duovirs for the second time
Reverse design bull, right
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 28 mm
Average weight 11.46 g
Axis 3
Reference Vives 161–9, Hill 13–8, GMI 450, NAH 1077
Specimens 54 (19 in the core collections)
Note Normally the cognomen of Baggius appears as FRONT and a few cases have been recorded as FRON (coins 30 and 52). The dies are often wider than the flan and it is not always possible to read the end of the legend. Forgery: 1. B Bohl, 10.38.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     Calicó 6/1979, 439
2 2     Calicó 6/1979, 440
3 3     Cop SNG 542
4 4     MSV 17/12/1981, 506
5 5     ✸ P: 278 Hill 13–8
6 6     P: 277
7 7     P: 279
8 8     Rome: 185
9 9     V: 115
10 10     V: 116
11 11     Vat: 413
12 12     Vat: 414
13 13     B: 149/1966
14 14     B: Bohl
15 15     B: a.B.
16 16     B: 17468
17 17     B: Kassel
18 18     Ba: 9600
19 19     Ba: 9601
20 20     Ba: 14754
21 21     Ba: 14864
22 22     Ba: 26642
23 23     Ba: 27494
24 24     Ba: 30506
25 25     Ba: 30878
26 26     L: 412
27 27     L: 413
28 28     L: 414
29 29     L: 415 Vives 161–9
30 30     L: 416
31 31     Madrid: 10034
32 32     Madrid: 10035
33 33     Madrid: 10036
34 34     Madrid: 10037
35 35     Madrid: 10038
36 36     Madrid: 10039
37 37     Madrid: 10041
38 38     Madrid: 10042
39 39     Madrid: 10043
40 40     Madrid: 10045
41 41     Madrid: 10046
42 42     Madrid: 10047
43 43     Madrid: 10048
44 44     Madrid: 10049
45 45     Madrid: 10050
46 46     Madrid: 10052
47 47     Madrid: 10057
48 48     N: 182
49 49     O
50 50     O
51 51     Alacant CMTM, pl. 36–187
52 52     Classical Numismatics 9/12/1988, 350
53 53     Hervera 10 Apr. 2008, lot 247
54 54     NY: 1944.100.68180