RPC I, 781


Image of specimen #19


Coin type
Volume I
Number 781
Province Africa Proconsularis
Region Africa
City Hadrumetum
Reign Augustus
Person (obv.) Fabius Africanus Maximus (proconsul)
Magistrate Fabius Africanus (proconsul)
Dating 6–5 BC
Edition Afr(icanus) Fa(bius) Max(imus) Co(n)s(ul) proco(n)s(ul) VIIvir epulo(num)
Translation Fabius Africanus Maximus, consul, proconsul, septemvir of the feast
Obverse design bare head of Africanus, right
Reverse inscription C LIVIN GALLVS Q ORO PR
Edition G(aius) Livin(—) Gallus Q(uintus) Oro(—) Pr(—)
Translation Gaius Livin— Gallus, Quintus Oro— Pr—
Reverse design elephant crushing serpent, left
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 23 mm
Average weight 6.49 g
Axis 1, 3, 6, 9, 11, 12
Reference Mu 37, FITA 139 (3), Alexandropoulos 92
Specimens 26 (9 in the core collections)
Note The legend correctly reads ...PROCOS VII VIR EPVLO (i.e. VIR was missed out), as noted by Lanz 94, 22 Nov. 1999, lot 126 = Peus 333, 6-11 May 1992, lot 680. The legend of 780 is, however, correctly given (no VIR).
Correction Corrected coin-type (post publication)

Specimens of this coin type