Image of specimen #31 |
URI | https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/7.2/3349 json ttl rdf xml epidoc |
Volume | VII.2 |
Number | 3349 |
Province | Cappadocia |
Region | Cappadocia |
City | Caesarea |
Reign | Gordian III |
Person (obv.) | Gordian III (Augustus) |
Issue | Year Δ = 4 |
Dating | AD 241 |
Obverse inscription | ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ |
Edition | Αὐ(τοκράτωρ) Κ(αῖσαρ) Μ(ᾶρκος) Ἀντ(ώνιος) Γορδιανός |
Translation | Emperor Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus |
Obverse design | laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from rear |
Reverse inscription | ΜΗΤΡ(Ο)(Π) ΚΑΙϹ Β Ν, ΕΝ(Τ)(Ι)(Χ), ΕΤ Δ |
Edition | Μητροπ(όλεως) Καισ(αρείας) βʹ ν(εωκόρου) ἔντιχ(ιον) ἔτ(ους) δʹ |
Translation | of the metropolis Caesarea, twice neocorate, walled, of year 4 |
Reverse design | view of Mount Argaeus set on inscribed altar |
Metal | copper-based alloy |
Average diameter | 25 mm |
Average weight | 9.63 g |
Axis | 1, 5, 6, 11, 12 |
Reference | Ganschow 882, 883f–g, 884c, 885b–d, 886; Bland 1996, 128–34; S 607b, 613g corr., 613j |
Specimens | 57 (17 in the core collections) |
Note | Rev. legend reads ΜΗΤΡΟ...ƐΝ (Ganschow 882; Bland 1996, —), ΜΗΤΡΟΠ ΚΑΙ[ ]...ƐΝΤΙΧ (Ganschow 885d; Bland 1996, 128; S 607b), ΜΗΤΡΟΠ ΚΑΙϹ...ƐΝΤ (Ganschow 883g; Bland 1996, 129), ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΑΙϹ...ƐΝΤΙΧ (Ganschow 885c; Bland 1996, 130; S 613g corr.), ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΑΙϹ...ƐΝΤΧ (Ganschow 886; Bland 1996, 131), ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΑΙϹ...ƐΝΤΙ (Ganschow 884c; Bland 1996, 132; S 613j), ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΑΙϹ...ƐΝΤ (Ganschow 883f; Bland 1996, 133) or ΜΗΤΡ ΚΑΙϹ...ƐΝΤΙΧ (Ganschow 885b; Bland 1996, 134). |