RPC III, 2824


Image of specimen #11


Coin type
Volume III
Number 2824
Province Galatia-Cappadocia
Region Lycaonia
City Iconium
Reign Hadrian
Person (obv.) Hadrian (Augustus)
Obverse inscription ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ
Edition Ἁδριανός Καῖσαρ
Translation Hadrian Caesar
Obverse design laureate and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, right, with paludamentum
Reverse inscription ΚΛΑΥΔΕΙΚΟΝΙΕωΝ
Edition Κλαυδεικονίεων
Translation of the Claudians of Iconium
Reverse design bust of Athena with Corinthian helmet and aegis
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 19 mm
Average weight 4.43 g
Axis 6, 7
Reference vA Lyk, 293–6
Specimens 16 (4 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     P: 35 RN 1883, 47/11 = Wa 4766 = SNG 2288
2 2     P: 39 SNG 2287
3 3     P: 39A SNG 2289
4 4     B: I-B KM 417/6
5 5     CNG EA 218, 9 Sept. 2009, lot 365 (ex CNG EA 171, 22 Aug. 2007, lot 353)
6 6     Auctiones 5, 15 Apr. 2012, lot 65
7 7     ETB coll., ex Rauch EA 19, 26 Feb. 2016, lot 142
8 8     CGT coll.
9 9     Saint Paul Antiques 15, 27 Jan. 2018, lot 326
10 10     Savoca 15 Blue, 19–20 Jan. 2019, lot 1284
11 11     ✸ Hirsch 348, 8 May 2019, lot 767
12 12     CGT coll. ex G. Rohde coll.
13 13     CGT coll.
14 14     CGT coll. = Zeus EA 20, 12 Dec. 2021, lot 383
15 15     Milan: 3473 Brera 2936 = von Fritze p. 488, no. 51 and rev. illustrated on Beilage 63 (zu S. 485) in W. Dörpfeld, Troja und Ilion (Athens, 1902)
16 16     priv Coll H.I.