Search results: 3,289 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 2142
Bithynia-Pontus Sinope Julius Caesar DIVO IVLIO bare head of Divus Julius, left C I F plough in wreath
III 1230
Bithynia-Pontus Sinope DIOGENES bare-headed and draped bust of Diogenes, right C I F in a laurel wreath
III 3957AA
Judaea Caesarea Maritima bull prancing right,; above, crescent C I F AVG lion walking left
IV.1 5082 (temporary)
Achaea Corinth Uncertain [ ] laureate head of uncertain Antonine emperor, right C L I COR cult statue of Venus/Aphrodite of Acrocorinthus standing, left, holding Mars/Ares' shield before her as mirror; to left, small figure (Amor/Eros?) standing, right
IV.1 7903 (temporary)
Achaea Corinth Uncertain [IMP] [ laureate head of uncertain Antonine emperor, right C L I CO[R] Minerva/Athena standing, left, holding Victoria/Nike(?) over uncertain object (owl or altar) and spear; beside, shield
IV.1 5189 (temporary)
Achaea Corinth Uncertain [ ] laureate-headed bust of uncertain Antonine emperor wearing cuirass, right C L [I] COR Minerva/Athena standing, left, holding Victoria/Nike over owl and spear; beside, shield
I 432
Tarraconensis Calagurris Augustus NASSICA bare head of Augustus (?), right C VAL C SEX AEDILES bull's head, facing
IV.1 10810 (temporary)
Achaea Corinth Commodus COMMOD[ bare head of Commodus (youthful), right C [L] I C[O]R detail of fountain of Peirene: statue of Scylla with fish-tail and two dog-foreparts kneeling on base, facing, head, left, raising right arm to throw stone, extending left arm; to right, small basin
I 5401
Uncertain Uncertain female head, right C.COSC.CAR unclear type (rose?)
I 881
Mauretania Iol head of Africa with elephant skin, right CAESAREA dolphin, left
I 882
Mauretania Iol head of Africa with elephant skin, right CAESAREA dolphin, right
I 883
Mauretania Iol head of Africa with elephant skin, right CAESAREA dolphin, right; above star
I 431
Tarraconensis Calagurris Augustus NASSICA bare head of Augustus (?), right CALAGVRRI IVLIA bull, right
IX 518
Asia Alexandria AVG ALEX TRO draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed AV CO CO AVG TROA nude Apollo standing left, holding branch and resting on hip, right foot on omphalos; behind, tree
IX 519
Asia Alexandria AVG ALEX TRO draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed AV CO CO AVG TROA priest (Chryses) standing facing, by the cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing on tall column; at left, tripod
X — (unassigned; ID 4052)
Asia Alexandria TRO raven, right, feeding from altar COL branch
I 1250
Achaea Patras cista, grapes and thyrsus COL A A PATR club
I 1251
Achaea Patras arrow, quiver and bow COL A A PATR lyre
IV.1 4018 (temporary)
Achaea Patras bunch of grapes, cista mystica and transverse thyrsus COL A A PATR club
IV.1 4019 (temporary)
Achaea Patras arrow, quiver and bow COL A A PATR lyre