Search results: 525 entries found.

I 5414
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (16 mm) 3.94 g. COS VIII (26 BC)
T VOMANIVS IIVIR QVINQ; head of Hercules, right; club behind neck
M MEMMIV FLAM QVINQ ITER; bust of Mercury, right, with caduceus
FITA 254–5 10
I 620A
Augustus Augustus
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Leaded bronze (30 mm) 12.96 g.
CAESAR DIVI F; head of Octavian, right, with a slight beard
DIVOS IVLIVS; laureate head of Caesar, right
I 5485
Uncertain Uncertain
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (12 mm) 1.70 g.
head of Tiberius (?), right
three cornucopias
I 5459
Claudius Claudius (Augustus)
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (17 mm) 3.77 g.
ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥ-ΔΙΟϹ; head, left
[ ]; Nike, right, with wreath and palm
I 5493
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (15 mm) 1.77 g.
COL [ ]; herm
plough within wreath
I 1458
Bronze (15 mm) 2.90 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', heavy series
M ANT IMP TER COS DES ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; janiform head probably featuring Antony and Octavian
L ATRATINVS AVGVR COS DESIG; stern of prow, three dots in field
RSN 1986, 83, F 2
I 1467
Æ (13 mm) 2.37 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', heavy series
M ANT IMP TERT COS DESIG ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; janiform head probably featuring Antony and Octavian
M OPPI CAP PRAEF CL[; stem to left; three dots in field
RSN 1987, 106, F 4
II 2820
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (29 mm)
T ET DOMITIANVS CAESARES; jugate draped busts of Titus and Domitian left
SENATVS; Senate seated left, with branch and sceptre?
I 1456
Æ (23 mm) 11.03 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', heavy series
M ANT IMP TER COS DES ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; jugate heads of Antony and Octavia, right
L ATRATINVS AVGVR COS DESIG, Α (below); one ship under sail to right, head of Medusa (?)
RSN 1986, 82–3, D 18
I 1461
Leaded bronze (19 mm) 5.05 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', light series
M ANT IMP TER COS DES ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; jugate heads of Antony and Octavia, right
L ATRATINVS AVGVR COS DESIG, Β (below); one ship under sail to right, head of Medusa (?)
RSN 1986, 84, C 8
I 1465
Bronze (22 mm) 8.83 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', heavy series
M ANT IMP TERT COS DESIG ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; jugate heads of Antony and Octavia, right
M OPPIVS CAPITO PRO PR PRAEF CLASS F C, Α (below); one ship under sail to right, head of Medusa (?)
RSN 1987, 104–5, D 31
I 1470
Bronze (15 mm) 3.84 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', light series
M ANT IMP TERT COS DESIG ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; jugate heads of Antony and Octavia, right
M OPPIVS CAPITO PRO PR PRAEF CLASS F C, Α (below); one ship under sail to right, head of Medusa (?)
RSN 1987, 108–11, C 123
III 6563
Hadrian Hadrian (Augustus)
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (30 mm) 17.10 g. Bronze coinage
ΑΥΤ [ ] ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Hadrian right, with paludamentum
[ ]; Zeus seated left, holding Nike (?) on his extended right hand, left resting on sceptre
Schultz 76A 1
III 6572
Hadrian Hadrian (Augustus)
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (13 mm) 1.60 g.
laureate and draped bust of Hadrian (seen from rear), right
boar standing right
III 1455
Hadrian Hadrian (Augustus)
Mint D (cistophori)  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 10.30 g.
HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P; laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right
COS III; Roma seated left on throne holding Victory in extended right and vertical spear in upraised left
Metcalf 104 2
III 1484
Hadrian Hadrian (Augustus)
Cistophorus 9.97 g.
HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P; laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right
COS III; male figure (emperor?) on horseback right holding lance in upraised right
Metcalf 127 1
III 1430B
Hadrian Hadrian (Augustus)
Mint B (cistophori)  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 10.34 g. Group 2: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P
HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P; laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right, seen from rear
COS - III; triumphal arch surmounted by figure raising hand and holding sceptre flanked by two prancing horses
III 1450B
Mint D (cistophori)  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 10.30 g.
HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P; laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right, seen from rear
COS III; Bacchus draped standing front head left emptying oinochoe over panther on left and holding thyrsus in right; panther looks left
Metcalf — 1
III 1466
Hadrian Hadrian (Augustus)
Cistophorus 9.79 g.
HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P; laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right, seen from rear
COS - III; temple with two columns; within, Athena standing front looking left holding patera in right and resting left on shield set on ground; behind her, a spear
Metcalf 116 1
No image
III 1467
Hadrian Hadrian (Augustus)
Cistophorus 10.60 g.
HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P; laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right, seen from rear
COS III; Athena standing left holding patera in right and resting left on shield set on ground
Metcalf 117 1