DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER; Augustus seated, left, on curule chair, holding patera and sceptre
Cahn 10 5
Æ (13 mm) 2.00 g.
bare (?) head, left
ΣΗΣ, Δ; cornucopia
Æ (26 mm) 11.48 g.
Λ ΑΙΛΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; bare head of Aelius, right
ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ; Apollo (?) standing left, naked but a drapery on his right shoulder, holding patera in his right hand and two arrows (?) in his left hand
Mouchmov 22, Varbanov 642 9
Æ (20 mm) 5.60 g.
Λ ΑΙΛΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; bare head of Aelius, right
ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ; naked hero standing left, holding shield on left arm and spear
Mouchmov —, Varbanov 645 1
Æ (20 mm) 5.95 g.
Λ ΑΙΛΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; bare head of Aelius, right
ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ; Ares standing facing, head left, holding patera and spear with shield
Æ (18 mm) 4.21 g.
AELIVS CAESAR (?); bare head of Aelius, right
[ ]ANO; prow to right; above, two objects (?)
Æ 19.90 g. 138–140
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ Τ ΑΙΛΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; bare head of Antoninus Pius with traces of aegis, right
ΕΠΙ ΠΟΡΚΙΟΥ ΜΑΡΚΕΛΛΟΥ ΠΡΕϹ ΠΕΡΙΝΘΙΩΝ (Ϲ inverted); Nike standing with foot on helmet, right, inscribing shield attached to palm-tree
Schönert, Perinthos 388, BMC 22 1
Æ 20.61 g. 138–140
ΑΥΤ ΚΑ[Ι Τ ΑΙΛΙ ΑΔ]ΡΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΝΤ[ΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ]; bare head of Antoninus Pius with traces of aegis, right
ΕΠΙ ΠΟΡΚ[ΙΟΥ] ΜΑΡΚΕ]ΛΛΟΥ ΠΡΕϹΒ ΠΕΡΙΝΘΙΩΝ; Dionysus and Maenad in galloping biga, right
Schönert, Perinthos - 1
Æ 17.00 g. 138–140
ΑΥΤ ΚΑ[Ι Τ ΑΙΛΙ ΑΔ]ΡΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΝΤ[ΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ]; bare head of Antoninus Pius with traces of aegis, right
ΕΠΙ ΠΟ[ΡΚΙΟΥ] ΜΑΡΚΕΛΛΟΥ Π[ΡΕϹ] ΠΕΡΙΝΘΙΩΝ; temple with six columns
Schönert, Perinthos - 1
Æ 21.43 g. c. 139–144
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ Τ ΑΙΛΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ; bare head of Antoninus Pius with traces of drapery, right
ΕΠΙ ΑΝΤ ΖΗΝΩΝΟϹ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ (Ζ shaped as エ); bearded river-god (Hebros) reclining, left, holding ears of corn and cornucopia, resting on rock from which water flows
Mouchmov, Philip. —; BMC 4 2
Æ 4.19 g.
[ΑΥ Τ ΑΙ?] [ ] ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ (retrograde); bare head of Antoninus Pius, left
ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΕΙΤ; bunch of grapes on stem with leaf
Jurukova 37 3
Æ (20 mm) 5.39 g.
ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; bare head of Antoninus Pius, right
ΠΑΥΤΑΛΙΩΤΩΝ; the three Charites, outer ones holding long thin objects (staff or serpent?), middle one with uncertain object
Ruzicka, Pautalia 20 2
Æ 18.39 g.
ΑΥ Τ ΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝ[ΟϹ]; bare head of Antoninus Pius, right
ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ; Homonoia standing, right, head, left, holding patera over altar and cornucopia
Mouchmov, Philip. — 1
Æ 9.90 g.
ΑΥ Τ ΑΙ ΑΔΡΙ(Α) ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; bare head of Antoninus Pius, right
ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ; nude Apollo standing, facing, head, left, holding patera over altar and bow
Mouchmov, Philip. 61 11
Æ 9.40 g.
ΑΥ Τ ΑΙ ΑΔΡΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟ; bare head of Antoninus Pius, right
ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ; nude Apollo standing, facing, head, left, holding patera over altar and bow(?)
Mouchmov, Philip. 60 1
Æ 8.73 g.
ΑΥ Τ ΑΙ ΑΔΡΙ(Α) ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; bare head of Antoninus Pius, right
ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ; nude male figure (Apollo or Bonus Eventus?) standing, left, holding branch over altar and chlamys
Mouchmov, Philip. 64–5 4
Æ 4.28 g.
ΑΥ Τ ΑΙ ΑΔΡΙ(Α) ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝ(ΟϹ); bare head of Antoninus Pius, right
ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙ(Τ)(ΩΝ))); nude warrior (Ares?) standing, left, wearing helmet, holding spear; beside, shield
Mouchmov, Philip. 79, BMC 10, Cop 770 10
Æ 4.20 g.
ΑΥ Τ ΑΙ ΑΔΡ((Ι)Α) ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; bare head of Antoninus Pius, right
ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤ(ΩΝ); nude Dionysus standing, left, holding cantharus and long filleted thyrsus
Mouchmov, Philip. 71–3, Cop 771 12
Æ (18 mm) 3.80 g.
ΑΥ Τ ΑΙ ΑΔΡΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟ; bare head of Antoninus Pius, right
ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤ(ΩΝ); nude warrior (Ares?) standing, left, wearing helmet, holding patera and spear; (beside, shield)
Mouchmov, Philip. 80–1 8
Æ 2.14 g.
ΑΥ Τ ΑΙ ΑΔΡΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟ; bare head of Antoninus Pius, right
ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛ(ΕΙ); Artemis advancing, right, drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder, holding bow
Mouchmov, Philip. 83 3