Search results: 371 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 4911
Judaea Jerusalem anchor in wreath ΒΑϹΙΛΕΥϹ ΗΡΩΔΗϹ in lines or circle
I 4913
Judaea Jerusalem Herod Archelaos ΗΡΩΔΟΥ anchor in wreath ΕΘΑΝ in lines within wreath
II 2219
Judaea Neapolis Domitian ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Domitian, right ΦΛΑΟΥΙ ΝΕΑΠ ΣΑΜΑ, L ΑΙ (below) in three lines above crossed cornucopias
II 2224
Judaea Neapolis Domitian ΑΥΤΟΚ ΔΟΜΕΤΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ [ΓΕΡ?] laureate head of Domitian, right ΦΛΑΟΥΙ / ΝΕΑΠ / ΣΑΜ L ΕΙ in three lines above crossed cornucopias
II 1908
Judaea Caesarea Maritima Vespasian IMP VESPA CAESAR AVGVS laureate head of Vespasian, right IMP / T / CAESAR in three lines on shield laid over two crossed spears, points upwards
II 1909
Judaea Caesarea Maritima Domitian DOMITIANO CAESARI PR[INC] bare head of Domitian, right IMP / T / CAESAR in three lines on shield laid over two crossed spears, points upwards
III 3936
Judaea Sepphoris Diocaesarea Trajan ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΣ ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΕΔΩΚΕΝ laureate head of Trajan, right ΣΕΠΦΩΡΗΝΩΝ in two lines within wreath
I 4950
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Philip, son of Herod ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ bare head of Philip, right L ΛΔ in wreath
I 4953
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Philip, son of Herod ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ bare head of Philip, right LΛΖ in wreath
I 4967BB
Judaea Jerusalem Tiberius ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ three ears of corn L ΙΖ in wreath
I 4968
Judaea Jerusalem Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΥ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ lituus L ΙΖ in wreath
I 4969
Judaea Jerusalem Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΥ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ lituus L ΙΗ in wreath
I 4970
Judaea Jerusalem Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΡΜ, L ΙΔ (in field) crossed palm branches ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑ in wreath
II 2218
Judaea Neapolis Domitian ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Domitian, right ΦΛΑΟΥΙ ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙ ΣΑΜΑΡΕ L ΑΙ inscription in four lines in laurel wreath
II 2223
Judaea Neapolis Domitian ΑΥΤ [ ] ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ [ ] laureate head of Domitian, right ΦΛΑΟΥΙ ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙ ΣΑΜΑΡΕ L ΕΙ inscription in four lines in laurel wreath
I 4844
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Britannicus BRITANNICVS AVG F bare head of Britannicus, right S C inscription in wreath
I 4851
Judaea Tiberias ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ, L ΙΓ (in field) palm branch ΤΙΒΕΡΙΑΣ inscription in wreath
I 4852
Judaea Tiberias ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ, L ΙΓ (in field) palm branch ΤΙΒΕΡΙΑΣ inscription in wreath
I 4853
Judaea Tiberias ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ, L ΙΓ (in field) palm branch ΤΙΒΕΡΙΑΣ inscription in wreath
III 4024
Judaea Gaza Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, left (seen from rear) ΕΙΩ ΓΑΖΑ, 𐤌 (below), Γ ΕΠΙ ΒϘΡ (in exergue) Io, in long dress, standing right, and City-goddess, in long dress, turreted and holding cornucopia in her left hand, clasping hands