head of Apollo, right
ΕΤ ΔΙΡ; laurel branch
head of Artemis, right
ΧΑΛΚΟΥΣ (ΔΙΡ); bow and quiver
McAlee 111 14
IM NER CLAV CAESAR; laureate head of Nero, right; in front, lituus
ΕΠΙ ΓΑΙΟΥ ΚΕϹΤΙΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕ ΕΤ ΕΙΡ; inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves
Mi 5.169.190, McAlee 292 5
IM NER CLAV CAESAR; laureate head of Nero, right; in front, serpent
ΕΠΙ ΓΑΙΟΥ ΚΕϹΤΙΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕ ΕΤ ΕΙΡ; inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves
McAlee 294 3
IM NER CLAV CAESAR; laureate head of Nero, right; in front, simpulum
ΕΠΙ ΓΑΙΟΥ ΚΕϹΤΙΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕ ΕΤ ΕΙΡ; inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves
McAlee 294A 1
IM NERO CLAV CAESAR; laureate head of Nero, right; in front, lituus
ΕΠΙ ΓΑΙΟΥ ΚΕϹΤΙΟΥ ΕΤ ΕΙΡ; inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves
McAlee 293 2
IM NERO CLAV CAESAR; laureate head of Nero, right; in front, lituus
ΕΠΙ Κ[Ε]ϹΤΙΟΥ [Α]ΝΤΙΟ[ΧΕ] ΕΤ ΕΙΡ; inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ; laureate head of Zeus, right
ΕΤΟ·ΕΙΡ; Boule, seated, left, placing vote in urn
BMC 87–9, McAlee 112 22
head of Apollo, right
ΑΝΤΙΟΧ ΕΤ·ΕΙΡ; laurel branch
BMC 90–1, McAlee 113 18
Bronze (30 mm) 14.53 g. undated
IM·NER·CLAV CAESAR; laureate head of Nero, right; in front, lituus
S C; inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves
BMC 177–8, Wr. 53, McAlee 295 23
Æ (22 mm) 7.83 g. undated
IM·NER·CLAV CAESAR; laureate head of Nero, right; in front, lituus
S C; inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves
BMC 181–3, Wr. 53, McAlee 298 16
Æ (29 mm) 14.06 g. undated
IM·NER·CLAV CAESAR; laureate head of Nero, right; in front, serpent
S C; inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves
BMC 180, Wr. 54, McAlee 296 12
Æ (21 mm) 7.53 g. undated
IM·NER·CLAV CAESAR; laureate head of Nero, right; in front, serpent
S C; inscription in a laurel wreath of eight (or ten) leaves
BMC 184–5, Wr. 54, McAlee 300 11
Æ (30 mm) 14.76 g. undated
IM·NER·CLAV CAESAR; laureate head of Nero, right; in front, simpulum
S C; inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves
Butcher, CRS 127, Mc Alee 297 5
Æ (30 mm) 16.35 g. undated
IM·NER·CLAV CAESAR; laureate head of Nero, right; in front, simpulum
S C; inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves
BMC 179, Wr. 52, McAlee 297, Butcher CRS 130 4
No image
Æ (30 mm) 14.81 g. undated
IM·NER·CLAV CAESAR; laureate head of Nero, right; in front, simpulum
S C; inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves
Butcher CRS 127 or 130 4
Æ (21 mm) 6.66 g. undated
IM·NER·CLAV CAESAR; laureate head of Nero, right; in front, simpulum
S C; inscription in a laurel wreath
CRS 131, McAlee 299A 3
Tetradrachm 12.94 g.
ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ, ΦΙ (to r.); laureate head of Nero, right
ΙΟΥΛΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ, ΑΡΙΣ (behind), ΙΣΑ (below), ΑΙΡ (in front); veiled bust of Tyche, right
BMC 33, Walker, Metrology I, 699–700, Prieur 1104 7
Tetradrachm 13.57 g.
ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ, ΦΙ (to r.); laureate head of Nero, right
ΙΟΥΛΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ, ΙΣΑ (below), ΑΙΡ (in front); veiled bust of Tyche, right
Cop 340, Prieur 1105 2
Tetradrachm 13.70 g.
ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ, ΦΡΟ (to r.); laureate head of Nero, right
ΙΟΥΛΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ, ΑΡΙΣ (behind), ΙΣΑ (below), ΑΙΡ (in front); veiled bust of Tyche, right
BMC 33, Walker, Metrology I, 699–700, Prieur 1106 5