Search results: 3,240 entries found.

III 3393
Trajan Trajan (Augustus)
Epiphanea  Cilicia (Cilicia Pedias) Cilicia
Æ (20 mm) 6.10 g. Year 184 (ΔΠΡ) (AD 116/17)
ΑΥ[ ] ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕ ΓΕΡ ΔΑ; laureate head of Trajan, right
ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕωΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΠΟ, ΔΜΡ (in r. field); Athena standing, left, holding spear and shield
SNG Levante 1815 3
III 3394
Hadrian Hadrian (Augustus)
Epiphanea  Cilicia (Cilicia Pedias) Cilicia
Æ (30 mm) 13.61 g. Year 205 (EC) (AD 137/8)
ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ Ϲ[ΕΒΑϹΤΟ]Ϲ; laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right
ϹΑΒΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕωΝ, ΕϹ (in l. or r. field); draped bust of Sabina, right, wearing stephane
BMC 1 9
III 3394A
Hadrian Hadrian (Augustus)
Epiphanea  Cilicia (Cilicia Pedias) Cilicia
Æ (17 mm) 3.50 g. Year 205 (EC) (AD 137/8)
]ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔ[; laureate head of Hadrian, right
ΕΠΙΦΑ[ΝΕωΝ], ΕϹ (in r. field); Dionysus standing facing, head left, holding ? in right hand and thyrsus in left; at his feet, panther right, looking back
III 3395
Trajan Trajan (Augustus)
Æ (25 mm) 14.47 g. Year 181 (ΑΠΡ) (AD 114/15)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΚΑΙϹ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΡΙϹΤ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚ; laureate head of Trajan, right, with drapery on left shoulder
ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΩΝ ΚΑΤ ΙϹϹΟΝ ΕΤΟΥϹ ΑΠΡ; Tyche standing, left, resting on rudder and holding cornucopia
Levante 79–80 2
III 3396
Trajan Trajan (Augustus)
Æ (21 mm) 8.51 g. Year 181 (ΑΠΡ) (AD 114/15)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΚΑΙϹ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΡΙϹΤ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚ; laureate head of Trajan, right, with drapery on left shoulder
ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΩΝ ΚΑΤ ΙϹϹΟΝ ΕΤΟΥϹ ΑΠΡ; Alexander (as founder of the city) standing, left, holding patera and sceptre
Levante 72–76 11
III 3397
Trajan Trajan (Augustus)
Æ (21 mm) 9.22 g. Year 181 (ΑΠΡ) (AD 114/15)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΚΑΙϹ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΡΙϹΤ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚ; laureate head of Trajan, right, with drapery on left shoulder
ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΩΝ ΚΑΤ ΙϹϹΟΝ ΕΤΟΥϹ ΑΠΡ; draped bust of Plotina, right
Levante 77–8 7
III 3398
Trajan Trajan (Augustus)
Æ (17 mm) 3.73 g. Year 181 (ΑΠΡ) (AD 114/15)
[ ] ΚΑΙϹ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΡΙϹ[ ]ΓΕΡΜ (?); laureate head of Trajan, right
ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΩΝ ΚΑΤ ΙϹϹ [ ]; helmeted bust of Athena, right
Levante 82 3
III 3399
Trajan Trajan (Augustus)
Æ (15 mm) 3.91 g. Year 181 (ΑΠΡ) (AD 114/15)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΚΑΙϹ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ Α[ ]; laureate head of Trajan, right, drapery on left shoulder
ΑΛΕ[ΞΑΝΔΡΕΩΝ ΚΑΤ] ΙϹϹΟΝ ΕΤΟΥϹ [ΑΠΡ]; Athena standing, left, holding spear and resting on shield
Levante 81 1
III 3400
Æ (15 mm) 3.74 g. Coinage without imperial portrait (Hadrian?)
ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕωΝ; laureate and draped bust of Poseidon, right
ΚΑΤ ΙϹϹΟΝ; dolphin left; above, trident
Levante 71 4
III 3401
Æ (15 mm) 3.17 g. Coinage without imperial portrait (Hadrian?)
ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕωΝ; laureate and draped bust of Poseidon, right
ΚΑΤ ΙϹϹΟΝ; dolphin right; above, trident
Levante 71 var. 4
III 3402
Trajan Trajan (Augustus)
Rhosus  Cilicia (Cilicia Pedias) Cilicia
Æ (24 mm) 12.36 g. Year 139 (ΘΛΡ) (AD 98)
ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΝΕΡΟΥΑ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate head of Trajan, right
ΡΩϹΕΩΝ ΕΤ ΘΛΡ; Tyche, wearing kalathos, standing, left, resting on rudder with her right hand and holding cornucopia in left
Levante 70–71; Butcher 428/12 2
III 3403
Trajan Trajan (Augustus)
Rhosus  Cilicia (Cilicia Pedias) Cilicia
Æ (22 mm) 8.84 g. Year 139 (ΘΛΡ) (AD 98)
ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΝΕΡΟΥΑ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate head of Trajan, right
ΡΩϹΕΩΝ ΕΤ ΘΛΡ; bust of goddess, wearing stephane, left
Levante 72–74; Butcher 428/13 7
III 3403A
Trajan Trajan (Augustus)
Rhosus  Cilicia (Cilicia Pedias) Cilicia
Æ (28 mm) 17.53 g. Coins with Greek legends
ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΝΕΡΟΥΑϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate head of Trajan, left
ΡΩϹ[ΕΩΝ] ΕΤ [ ]; Perseus standing facing, head left, raising his right arm, holding harpa in left; in right field, head of Medusa
III 3404
Rhosus  Cilicia (Cilicia Pedias) Cilicia
Æ (16 mm) 2.78 g. Year 139 (ΘΛΡ) (AD 98)
[ ]; bust of Athena, wearing Corinthian helmet, left
ΕΤ ΘΛΡ; wolf, left
Levante 41–42; Butcher 428/15 3
III 3405
Rhosus  Cilicia (Cilicia Pedias) Cilicia
Æ (14 mm) 2.31 g. Year 148 (ΗΜΡ) (AD 106/7)
ΕΤ ΗΜΡ; bust of Athena, wearing Corinthian helmet, left
ΡΩϹΕΩΝ; pomegranate attached to aphlaston
Levante 43–46; Butcher 428/16 4
III 3406
Rhosus  Cilicia (Cilicia Pedias) Cilicia
Æ (12 mm) 1.52 g. Year 148 (ΗΜΡ) (AD 106/7)
ΕΤΟ ΗΜΡ; turreted and veiled bust of city-goddess, left
ΡΩϹΕΩΝ; harpa
Levante 47–52; Butcher 429/17 8
III 3407
Hadrian Hadrian (Augustus)
Rhosus  Cilicia (Cilicia Pedias) Cilicia
Æ (28 mm) 12.22 g. Year 167 (ΖΞΡ) (AD 125/6)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, right
ΡΩϹΕΩΝ ΙΕΡΑϹ ΑϹΥΛΟΥ Α(Υ)ΤΟΝΟ ΕΤ ΖΞΡ; draped bust of Selene, set on crescent, right
Levante —; Butcher — 2
IV.3 9332 (temporary)
Lyrbe  Cilicia (Cilicia Trachea) Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ 7.84 g.
Υ]ΤΟΚ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙ; laureate head of Marcus Aurelius with traces of drapery, right
[Λ]ΥΡΒΕΙΤωΝ; male figure (Ares?) standing, facing, head, right, wearing helmet, holding spear and shield
IV.3 9849 (temporary)
Æ 6.73 g.
Α[ΥΤ Κ?] ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝοΝ; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
ΚΑΡΑΛΛΙωΤωΝ; Aphrodite standing, facing, head, left, holding mirror in right hand, and holding long tress of hair in raised left hand
IV.3 9341 (temporary)
Æ 3.63 g. 175–177
ΚΟΜΜΟ[ΔΟΝ?] [; bare-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
ΚΑΡΑΛΛΙωΤωΝ; Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia