Search results: 1,348 entries found.

VI 30477 (temporary)
Maximinus Maximus (Caesar)
Philadelphia  Cilicia (Cilicia Trachea) Cilicia
Æ (20 mm) 4.20 g.
Γ Ι ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΟΝ Κ[ ]; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from rear
ΦΙΛ[ΑΔΕΛΦΕωΝ ΚΗ]ΤΙΔΟϹ; Dionysus standing left, holding thyrsus and cantharus; to left, panther
VI 6895 (temporary)
Maximinus Maximus (Caesar)
Philadelphia  Cilicia (Cilicia Trachea) Cilicia
Æ (20 mm) 4.53 g.
Γ Ι ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΟΝ ΚΕ (sic); radiate head of Maximus, right, with drapery
ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕωΝ ΚΗΤΙΔΟϹ; front view of temple with two columns, eagle in pediment, within which eagle, right
Levante S1 149 5
VI 6896 (temporary)
Æ (38 mm) 20.63 g.
IMP CAES SEVERVS ALEXANΔER P FEL AVΓ (sic); laureate and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, with drapery, seen from front
COL IVL AVR(?) FEL NINI CLAVΔ IVL MAΕϹ AVG (sic); draped bust of Julia Maesa, right
Levante S1 167, Ziegler 333 8
VI 6900 (temporary)
Æ (32 mm) 11.68 g.
IM C ΓEV ALEΧAΝΔER (sic); laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from front
NINI C CLAV; colonist ploughing veiled, right, with yoke of oxen; in the background, standard topped by aquila
Kubitschek 14 19
VI 6899 (temporary)
Æ (32 mm) 15.14 g.
IMP CAES M AVR SEVER ALEXANΔER (sic); laureate and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
COL IVL AVG FEL NINIC CLAVΔI; Dionysus seated on chariot, left, drawn by two panthers, holding cantharus and long thyrsus; to left, Silenus pulling the pathers by the reins
Kubitschek 11 16
VI 6898 (temporary)
Æ (32 mm) 14.48 g.
IMP C M AVR SEVER ALEXANDER AVΓ (sic); radiate and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, with drapery, seen from front
NINIC COL CLAVΔIOPOL (sic); she-wolf, right, under a tree, looking back and feeding twins
Ziegler 325 2
VI 6897 (temporary)
Æ (32 mm) 17.84 g.
IMP C M AVR SEVER ALEXANΔER AVΓ (sic); radiate and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, with drapery, seen from front
IVL MAMEA AVG NINI CO CLAV; draped bust of Julia Mamaea, right
Kubitschek 15 33
VI 6902 (temporary)
Æ (26 mm) 10.92 g.
IMP C M AV A ΓEVER ALEΧAΝΔER (sic); laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from front
NINI COL CLAVΔIOPOLI; front view of temple with four columns within which the emperor standing facing in military dress, head left, holding long sceptre and patera; in pediment, globe
Levante S1 165, Ziegler 331 6
VI 6901 (temporary)
Æ (26 mm) 9.65 g.
IMP C M AVR SEVER ALEXANΔER (sic); laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from front
NINI COL CLAVΔIOPOL; Marsyas standing facing, head left, holding wineskin over shoulder and raising hand
Kubitschek 12 10
VI 6903 (temporary)
Æ (26 mm) 8.64 g.
IM C SEV ALEXANDER; laureate and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from front
C FEL NIN CLA; turreted and draped bust of Tyche, right
Kubitschek 13 12
VI 6905 (temporary)
Æ (23 mm) 5.33 g.
IMP ALEXANΔER (sic); radiate head of Severus Alexander, right
NI CΛ (sic); within laurel wreath
VI 6904 (temporary)
Æ (23 mm) 5.70 g.
IVL MAMEA AVΓ (sic); draped bust of Julia Mamaea, right
NINIC CLAV; Athena standing facing, head left, holding Nike and leaning on shield on the ground
Kubitschek 16 6
VI 6908 (temporary)
Æ (32 mm) 14.52 g.
IMP CAES SA IVL VEΠ MAXIMINVS (sic); bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximinus, right, seen from front
NINIC COL CLAVΔIOPOL (sic); she-wolf, right, under a tree, looking back and feeding twins
Kubitschek 25 14
VI 6907 (temporary)
Æ (32 mm) 17.39 g.
IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVΓ (sic); laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximinus, right, seen from rear
MAXIMV CAΕΓ COL NINI CLAVΔ (sic); bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right
Kubitschek 29 12
VI 6906 (temporary)
Æ (32 mm) 17.95 g.
IMP MAXIMINVΓ PI(VΓ AVΓ) (sic); laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximinus, right, seen from rear
C IVL VΕΠ MAXIMVΓ C C NI(NC) CL(A)V(Δ) (sic); bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from rear
Kubitschek 30 29
VI 6909 (temporary)
Maximinus Maximus (Caesar)
Æ (32 mm) 14.05 g.
C IVL VEΠ MAXIMVΓ CAES (sic); laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from front
COL NINIC CLAVΔ (sic); she-wolf, right, under a tree, looking back and feeding twins; to right, star
Kubitschek 31 14
VI 6911 (temporary)
Æ (26 mm) 11.12 g.
IMP C IVL VEΠ MAXIMINVΓ (sic); laureate and cuirassed bust of Maximinus, right, seen from front
NIN C CLAV; colonist ploughing veiled, right, with yoke of oxen; in the background, standard topped by aquila
Kubitschek 22 23
VI 6910 (temporary)
Æ (26 mm) 11.31 g.
IMP MAXIMINVΓ PI(VΓ AVΓ) (sic); laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximinus, r, seen from rear
COL NINIC CLAVΔ (sic); colonist ploughing veiled, right, with yoke of oxen; in the background, standard topped by aquila; before the colonist, star
Kubitschek 23 15
VI 6917 (temporary)
Æ (26 mm) 8.15 g.
IMP MAXIMINVS PI; laureate head of Maximinus, right
COL NINI CLAV(A) (sic); draped and turreted bust of Tyche, right
Kubitschek 21 16
VI 30199 (temporary)
Æ (26 mm) 10.57 g.
IMP MAXIMIN(VΓ) PIV(Γ AV) (sic); laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximinus, right, seen from rear
COL NINIC(A) CLAV; front view of temple with four columns, within which Emperor standing facing, head left, holding spear and patera; (in pediment, globe)